Has anybody had any experience using the Plumpy Mum as a supplement for pregnant and lactating women ? what was the level of acceptance of the community about this product? thanks

Is the plumpy mum is the same as wacha mum ?



8 years ago


8 years ago

Wawa Mum is a chickpea based LNS- Medium Quantity, used for prevention. Comes in 50 g sachets. Comparable to Plumpy 'Doz, Ezeecup, etc.
Acha Mum is a chickpea based LNS- Large Quantity, used for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition. Comes in 100 g sachets. Comparable to Plumpy 'Sup.
Plumpy mum is similar peanut based LNS product designed for pregnant and lactating women. WFP Pakistan has developed a chickpea/lentil based product for the same target group, named 'Maamta'.

M Shaikh


8 years ago

WFP Pakistan conducted a community acceptability study with women, comparing Plumpy'mum and Maamta. In the trial, Maamta was better accepted. It could be a cultural preference for chickpeas as compared to peanuts, or the lower sugar content in Maamta. However, results may be different in another cultural setting.

M Shaikh


8 years ago

Could you clarify whether you are planning to use this product as a routine supplement or a treatment for acute or chronic undernutrition?

Nina Chad PhD


8 years ago

Could someone tell us what it contains (I can't see the ingredients on the Nutraset website) and what the plans are for marketing / method of provision - do others share concerns about cross branding from RUTF - products that all now seem to agree should not be promoted.

Patti Rundall, Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK


8 years ago
Health and Nutrition Developments Society


8 years ago
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