The Speak Nutrition Society in Kenya invites you to their 2nd Annual Scientific Conference to be held at Pride Inn, Westlands, Kenya on 21st to 22nd September 2016.
The Theme of the conference is Nutrition and NCD's: The essential link.
The sub-themes are;
1. Nutritional issues in prevention of NCD's- infant feeding, obesity and lifestyle modification and public health approaches
2. Nutrition in treatment and management- Nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals in NCD's, Diabetes, Cancer and cardiovascular diseases

Registration is ongoing on-

Early bird registration for members is Kenyan Shillings 3500 (35 USD) before 31st August and registration after 31st August is Kenyan Shillings 4000 (40 USD).

Early bird registration for non-members is Kenyan Shillings 4000 (40 USD) before 31st August and registration after 31st August is Kenyan Shillings 5000 (50 USD).

Payment details (M-Pesa only) Paybill number- 625625, Account Number-01285113877400- National Bank of Kenya.

For more details, Contact Secretariat at: +254 729 137 582Image removed., +254 721 632 445Image removed., +254 720 249 056Image removed.

Damaris karimi


1 year ago
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