International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, non-political, non-sectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility for rapid response to emergencies. International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

International Medical Corps is leading a consortium with Action Against Hunger (ACF) and Save the Children UK (SC UK) to provide technical surge capacity for response in emergencies. The team consists of a team of 5 technical experts (one Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E), hosted by SCUK, one community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM), one Social Behavior Change (SBC) and one on CMAM/IYCF-E hosted by International Medical Corps, and one needs assessment expert hosted by ACF) who can deploy on a very short notice to any nutrition humanitarian emergencies.

The 5 Tech RRT Advisors are deployed 50% of their time to Level 3 emergencies as a priority and to Level 2 emergencies as needed to support nutrition partners on the ground including the nutrition cluster to conduct nutrition needs assessments, start-up or quickly expand CMAM programs, support government and partners on IYCF-E, and support social behavior change in hygiene and sanitation and its linkages to nutrition. Deployment can last up to 6 weeks. When not on deployment, they focus on dedicated piece of work, which benefit the collective. Work can range from building the capacity of the consortium partners and other partners including Ministries of Health, government departments, in country UN agencies and local and international NGO staff on IYCF-E, SBC, CMAM and needs assessments to providing remote and follow-up support to emergency response as needed; reviewing, updating and when needed developing new guidelines to simplify and improve response in disasters to nutrition needs especially in IYCF-E, nutrition and WASH related SBC, CMAM and needs assessments.

The Program Manager (PM) will be responsible for managing the Tech RRT Project; The PM will coordinate the deployment process; manage communications between partners and donor; work with the Tech RRT Advisors and hosting agencies to develop a work plan for the 50% of time when TSAs are not deployed; assist in developing technical briefs, manuals, guidelines; and facilitate timely reporting within the Consortium and to USAID/OFDA.

Program and team facilitation (65%)
• Coordinate with project partners on the implementation of activities.
• Develop and rollout a program work plan
• Produce calendar of activities for the program
• Facilitate the deployment of Tech RRT Advisor within 72 hours of an emergency request
• Coordinate TOR review for each deployment, based on country context and needs;
• Organise and chair bi-weekly meetings with Tech RRT Advisors.
• Organise and chair bi-weekly steering committee meetings
• Liaise with Tech RRT Advisors in each agency to develop annual work plan and review progress against the work plan. Support the Tech RRT Advisors in identifying 1-2 critical pieces of work when non-deployed.
• Assist Tech RRTs in building the capacity of the consortium and GNC partners in designing and implementing evidence-based behavior change, CMAM, Assessment, and IYCF-E interventions during emergencies.
• Assist Tech RRT Advisors in developing tools and messages for use in emergency response.
• Assist Tech RRT in documenting technical and operational lessons learned from their deployment.
• Document technical surge responses in different emergency contexts including flood, earthquake, conflict, refugee influxes
• Review monthly and EoM reports produced by Tech RRT Advisors.
• Support the internal evaluation process and knowledge/learning management
• Set up/review procedure and package for deployment in collaboration with the Steering Committee.
• Review proposal/cost modification and any relevant documents requested by the donor.
• Participate in the Technical Task force set up by the GNC to review technical role of the GNC in providing support to country clusters.

Communication (10%):
Raise the visibility of the Tech RRT project including internal and external communication, networking, webinars/brochure and management of the website.

Grant Management (25%)
• Maintain oversight of all budgets of the team through regular meetings with technical advisors
• Provide support in all administrative and logistical arrangements for deployments
• Convene monthly finance partners meeting
• Arrange bi weekly meetings with Administration & Finance Split office to monitor budget expenditure and forecast
• Comply with donor reporting deadlines
• Produce donor reports according to donor grant guidelines and International Medical Corps rules and regulations.

• Fully adhere to International Medical Corps Security procedures, communication protocols and standard operating procedures.
• Behaves at all times in a manner which positively promotes International Medical Corps and its work

Master’s degree in nutrition, public health, or related development studies; or equivalent combination of education and work experience in emergencies and program management.

• At least 8 years work experience in program management in the area of nutrition and public health, with a minimum of 5 years specifically in international nutrition, preferably in emergencies.
• Demonstrated experience in coordinating and working with partners and donors.
• Technical area of expertise in nutrition including IYCF-E, CMAM, assessments, SBC, Nutrition in emergencies, and capacity building, required.
Specific Knowledge Requirements
• Emergency response knowledge, desirable.
• Program Management and budgeting, required.
• Fluency in written and oral English required.
• Working knowledge of French, Spanish and / or Arabic, desirable.
• Proven teamwork, partnering skills (facilitating dialogue and communications across diverse sectors, institutions, and geographic administrative levels)
• Excellent writing, oral and visual presentation skills; training skills
• Ability to assess priorities and competently complete a variety of activities with a high level of accuracy and timeliness.
• Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
• Ability to initiate and implement activities with minimal oversight and supervision.
• Proficiency in MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc) and the Internet.

Please send your CV to: Sava Seyler <>

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