Due to insecurity, it is not possible to access the conflict affected population regularly and so, we are planning to integrate blanket distribution of Plumpy sup for Children and PLW with General Food Distribution (GFD) once a month. Due to country administrative policy, we can import only Plumpy Nut and Plumpy Sup but not Plumpy Doz.

In this case, is it possible to distribute Plumpy Sup to all PLW and children 6-59 months for the prevention of acute malnutrition? Any similar experience and lesson learned will be highly appreciated.

Dear All,

Any one who has similar experience, or lesson learned, will be highly appreciated.



7 years ago

Dear All,

Any one who has similar experience, or lesson learned, will be highly appreciated.



7 years ago

I agree, many of us are posting similar questions to this with no luck. It would be highly appreciated if the admin can help with this

aisha mohamed


6 years ago

WFP has used Plumpy'Sup in blanket supplementary feeding in some locations at half ration (15 sachets per month), but only to utilize excess stocks that could not be consumed in CMAM. It is fine as far as beneficiary acceptability is concerned but micronutrients would be less than if you were providing a LNS- medium quantity like Plumpy Doz. Depending on the nutitional situation of your target population, it may well be acceptable.
If policy allows, you may wish to look into an LNS-small quantity like Nutributter for blanket feeding. Using Plumpy'Sup at full ration (30 sachets per month) for prevention would be an expensive option.

M Shaikh


6 years ago

The composition of RUSF and LNS-MQ, as per specifications of WFP and USAID and also used by UNICEF, is the same. The difference is in the amount per sachet, 100 g and 50 g, respectively, with twice as much of each nutrient in 100 g as compared to 50 g (approx 1 RNI in 50 g). The design of the sachets is also different, because they are used for a different purpose: treatment of MAM with 100 g/d and prevention of acute malnutrition with 50 g/d. Thus, in terms of nutrients provided half a sachet of RUSF provides the same as 1 sachet of LNS-MQ, but messages need to be carefully prepared on who should consume what amount and why if you distribute RUSF for two purposes and with different amounts recommended for daily consumption.

Saskia de Pee - WFP


6 years ago
Saskia de Pee - WFP


6 years ago

Please is there any research done on localine production of RUSF in nigeria

Samira sharef Abubakar


6 years ago

No it can not be used because it is Zero item but if there is any Dietary feeding in the stock you can use it for BSFP

thanks a lot
Good Hearing From you everyday

Yusuf Lare


6 years ago
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