Food Security Cluster Coordinator (Expert Roster)
Call for Applications

The global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) is calling for applications from interested candidates to be deployed as country Cluster Coordinators. Applicants are requested to submit their CV and the completed annex 1 to by 31 August 2016

Global Food Security Cluster background
The global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) was formally endorsed by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on 15 December 2010 to coordinate the food security response during a humanitarian crisis, addressing issues of food availability, access, utilization and stability. gFSC is based at WFP headquarters in Rome and is co-led by FAO and WFP.
The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships. The FSC works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include international and national NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, other Cluster Lead Agencies, UN organizations, Governments and Donors. The objective of a country-level Food Security Cluster is to ensure a timely, coherent and effective food security response by mobilizing stakeholders to respond in a strategic and coordinated manner to a humanitarian crisis.
FSC is committed to ensure that humanitarian response planning and implementation take into account appropriate standards and cross-cutting dimensions.
What are we looking for?
The Food Security Cluster is looking to expand its Cluster Coordinators Roster with qualified individuals with food security expertise that are willing to be deployed to Countries where a Food Security Cluster is activated.
Food Security Clusters are normally activated in humanitarian contexts, so the offer of family duty stations is limited.
By applying to this roster, you commit to be available for at least one short, medium or long term deployment within the 12 months following your inclusion in the roster.
If you are already part of the FSC Coordinators Roster, you do not need to re-apply.
Country-level Food Security Cluster Coordinator Function
The role of the Food Security Cluster Coordinator, in line with the IASC Generic Terms of Reference for Sector Leads at Country Level, is to lead and facilitate coordination process through:
• Inclusion of key humanitarian partners;
• Establishment and maintenance of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms;
• Coordination with national/local authorities, state institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors;
• Ensuring appropriate participatory and community-based approaches;
• Ensuring appropriate attention to priority cross-cutting and cross-sectoral issues (e.g. gender, age, disability, HIV and AIDS, human rights, environment, Accountability to Affected Population, protection, do-no-harm, and early recovery);
• Undertaking/coordinating (joint) needs assessment and analysis;
• Coordinating sector-wide emergency preparedness;
• Undertaking planning and strategy development;
• Engaging in emerging areas of work including preparedness and resilience and cash transfer programming in food security sector;
• Ensuring the application of appropriate standards;
• Ensuring monitoring, reporting and efficient information sharing;
• Undertaking advocacy and resource mobilization;
• Undertaking training and capacity building; and
• Provision of assistance or services as a last resort subject to access, security and availability of funding.
The Food Security Cluster Coordinator will work impartially with all partners of the Food Security Cluster and serves and represents the group as a whole, not an agency.

S/he will work closely with the UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator or their designated
official as well as the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) as required.

Qualifications and competencies
• Professional experience in humanitarian response at a mid- or senior level (equivalent P4 to P5 level in the UN system);
• At least 5 years’ experience with food security analysis and/or emergency food security programming, preferably in field locations;
• University degree in food security, agriculture, economics, nutrition, or related field.
• Ability to work and plan at strategic, analytic as well as operational levels;
• Understanding of the international humanitarian response architecture, including coordination mechanisms, humanitarian reform and action, transformative agenda, and funding mechanisms (e.g. Humanitarian Planning Cycle, Central Emergency Response Fund and Flash Appeals);
• Facilitation and communication: experience of high level coordination and facilitation of meetings; ability to work with a diverse group of stakeholders and develop consensus and joint working;
• Excellent English communication skills, both verbal and written; French, Spanish and/or Arabic are an asset;
• Coping with pressure: ability to work productively in a pressurized and insecure environment and to maintain visibly high levels of morale in difficult circumstances.
• Experience in the country or region of deployment;
• Formal training in Cluster co-ordination or previous Cluster experience.

Please visit the link below for the details including the annex

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