Country:GOAL Syria

General Description of the Programme

GOAL has been working in Syria since 2012, responding to the acute needs of conflict affected communities. GOAL is working directly in Northern Idlib and through local partners in Hama, Lattakia and Southern Idlib, implementing food, non-food, voucher and WASH programming to IPDs and host communities.

Overview of the role

Currently GOAL works on nutrition issues through its food security and livelihoods programs with nutritionally balanced food baskets, vouchers, fortified flour support to bakeries and nutrition- sensitive kitchen gardens. In early 2016 GOAL developed a 3 year nutrition strategy and applied for multiple donor funding to start a comprehensive nutrition response in Northern Syria. Funding is expected to arrive in mid-late 2016. This has a two pronged approach: 1) Deliver cost-effective, evidence-based nutrition specific curative and preventative interventions that achieve maximum coverage, high quality and are context specific. 2) Improve the quality of its current programming by increasing its nutrition sensitivity ensuring that the most vulnerable to malnutrition within the community and households are reached with a comprehensive multi-sectoral approach. The program focuses on improving the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 through addressing multiple micronutrient deficiencies, IYCF-E and access to identification and treatment services for acute malnutrition in CU5.


Main responsibilities

Provide strategic and technical direction to the Nutrition Programme

Ensure that GOAL’s nutrition programme remains in line with the GOAL Syria Nutrition Strategy 2016-18, the Syria Nutrition Cluster strategy and international nutrition standards while also making sure the program is responsive to data from the field, and is attainable given donor priorities.

Overall responsibility for the implementation of the Nutrition Programme and achievement of results

Ensure the implementation of the Nutrition programme through all stages of the project management cycle, with a focus on the achievement of results and quality of activities.

Maintain project tools which support project implementation and management review of progress

Support the field teams to prepare programmatic work plans, target tables and project budgets specific to their areas of focus.

Manage the project budget through approving expenditures in accordance with GOAL policies and reviewing monthly budget versus actual reports, comparing with time and targets achievement.

Work with the M & E Department to strengthen and maintain a project monitoring and evaluation system, including an effective field reporting system that will enable measurement of progress at output and outcome levels.

Liaise with other departments including finance/administration, procurement and human resource departments to ensure adequate support for all project activities.

Ensure that all GOAL mainstreaming policies are incorporated in all nutrition proposals and activities.

Management and leadership

Provide overall leadership to the Nutrition Department, approaching the role with energy, professionalism and enthusiasm to create a positive and high performance environment.

Manage departmental resourcing ensuring careful HR planning to meet the needs of the programme.

Ensure work plans are in place for all project staff to reflect objectives and that mid-term reviews and annual appraisals are completed for all direct reports.

Foster a stable and participatory working environment by promoting experience sharing and lessons learnt.

Identify and pursue opportunities for the technical development of project staff, organise capacity development and provide remote training as required.


In consultation with the ACD-P develop and maintain cordial working relationships with relevant stakeholders including, the Nutrition Cluster, donors, and political entities.

Ensure information is circulated to the field teams appropriately, and that information is fed from the field teams to senior management.

Liaise regularly with GOAL’s global nutrition technical team to ensure appropriate technical support for the program.

Support the grant department with input for donor reports and proposals.

Perform all other duties as requested by ACD.


Requirements (Person Specification)

Bachelor’s degree in humanitarian action, international development, health, nutrition or any related discipline from a recognised university.
At least three years practical experience with an international development organisation, managing Nutrition projects in complex operating environments.
A demonstrable high level of capacity in project management, budget management, strategy development, and proposal writing.
Strong experience in management and demonstrable capacity for departmental leadership.
Strong analytical and writing skills. Experience of proposal writing, log frame development and donor reporting.
Excellent IT skills, including strong knowledge of MS Office applications
Excellent communication, interpersonal and training skills and a track record of building/developing cohesive teams.
General terms and conditions

Apply through Goal website here:

GOAL has Standards of Integrity and a Child Protection Policy, which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. GOAL also has a confidentiality policy ensuring the non-disclosure of any information whatsoever relating to the practices and business of GOAL, acquired in the course of duty, to any other person or organisation without authority, except in the normal execution of duty. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offer made is also subject to police clearance. GOAL is an equal opportunities employer.

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