Dear colleagues,

Any thoughts and reflections on the implications of our new paper just out today in Lancet Global Health very welcome: ChroSAM study (Chronic Disease Outcomes following Severe Acute Malnutrition)

Our message: children need to be supported to ?#?SurviveANDThrive

Thanks to Dr Natasha Lelijveld, lead researcher, all co-authors, study team, study collaborators, Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Trust and Paeds Dept, College of Medicine Malawi for hosting the project, Wellcome Trust for funding the research. And biggest thanks of course to the children and families who took part.

The challenges are step...developing and testing the interventions to move things forward for future generations..

With very best wishes,


Dr Marko Kerac
Course Director, Nutrition for Global Health MSc,
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,

There’s also an accompanying comment from Jay Berkley and Andre Briend supporting our call for programmes to help children to thrive post-SAM:

Natasha Lelijveld


8 years ago
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