I want to measure the quality of mother-child feeding interactions as part of research to improve IYC feeding? Can someone point me to the right tool to use and possibly share?

Ruth Gwokyalya has shared these FAO Guidelines for assessing nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and practices: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3545e/i3545e00.htm

There is a section on responsive feeding under practices or knowledge.

Thanks Ruth.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Thank you very much.



8 years ago

Hi, The HOME inventory (45-items) is a well accepted tool to assess mother-child interaction and the quality and quantity of stimulation the child received from his environment. Prof Frances Aboud also published on the issue of responsive feeding. Here are some references:
1- Aboud FE & Sadika A: A Cluster-Randomized Evaluation of a Responsive Stimulation and Feeding Intervention in Bangladesh. Pediatrics 2011; 127(5): p. e1191-7.
2- Aboud, F.E. and T. Alemu, Nutrition, maternal responsiveness and mental development of Ethiopian children. Soc Sci Med, 1995. 41(5): p. 725-32.
3- Aboud FE. Evaluation of an early childhood parenting programme in rural Bangladesh. J Health Popul Nutr. 2007;25(1):3–1
4-Hubbs-Tait L, Culp AM, Culp RE, Miller CE. Relation of maternal cognitive stimulation, emotional support, and intrusive behavior during Head Start to children’s kindergarten cognitive abilities. Child Dev. 2002;73(1): 110 –131

Karim Bougma


8 years ago

Observation child feeding questionnaire.



7 years ago
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