Dear colleagues

The 2016 Global Nutrition Report will launch next week. This year’s report has a significant focus on making the political choice to end malnutrition, and malnutrition in the context of the SDGs.

We’d be most grateful if you could help us promote the report launch this week:

Please join our Thunderclap Thunderclap and - just as importantly - help share it widely. We’d really like this year’s report to go out with a ‘bang’.
Please promote the report in advance, linking to our events page events page and using these tweets:
- The new @GNReport launches on June 14! Coming to a city near you: #NutritionReport #Health
- Is your city hosting a @GNReport launch? Find out more here: #NutritionReport #Health #SDGs

We also have a GNR Google Group set up, where you can receive regular updates on the report - please request to join it if you would like to.

Many thanks
Best regards
Jo Lofthouse
GNR Communications Lead

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