Dear en-net users,

The WHO 2015/6 revised guidelines on HIV and infant feeding, developed through a WHO Guideline Development Group (GDG) meeting on infant feeding and HIV held 21-23 October, 2015, are due for imminent release. While appreciating the challenges, specific guidance on their implementation in the context of emergencies was beyond the scope of the consultation; a follow up meeting to address this was identified as an important follow-up action.

Acting on this, through a WHO/UNICEF/ENN collaboration, WHO will host an invite-only 2.5 day technical meeting in September (dates being finalised), to develop recommendations to help operationalise the 2015/2016 guidelines on HIV in the context of emergencies. These will complement the updated technical guidance and also inform the update of the Operational Guidance on IFE currently in progress.

A background paper on key challenges regarding infant feeding and HIV in emergencies will be developed, informed by a series of country case studies. We invite you to submit your experiences to contribute to this work . A case study template is provided.

Kindly note that only submissions of between 2-3 pages (max 1800 words excluding framework headers, tables and annexes) will be considered. Short outlines of experiences are welcome so that we can feedback on whether to develop into a full case study.We can support you editorially to develop a case study. A number of case studies will be selected for presentation at the meeting.

Please share widely with your colleagues, including in health programming. For queries, contact Marie McGrath,

Dear en-net users,
Just a note of encouragement regarding the case study development and to say that submitted case studies do not need to be word perfect: bullet points are fine. We can also interview those of you who have little time but have key issues you'd like us to capture (contact me on:



8 years ago

Dear All
We are currently embarking on the case study review. We will extend the submission deadline to accommodate those not yet finalised. Could you please email us if you have a case study in progress and indicate when it will be finalised, so that we can map out contexts that we have covered and identify where we might have gaps in experience capture. Please email: Tin Tin Stint,

Many thanks



8 years ago
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