I have seen that some countries have included protocols for nutritional care and treatment of adult severely malnourished HIV/AIDS patients on ART in their national guidelines. And in some of them the treatment protocols are the same as those for children 6-59 months of age. But are there any international guidelines and research based evidence supporting the same protocols? Is there enough evidence or lack of evidence to support these protocols (the same protocols as that for children 6-59) for SAM management of Adult HIV/AIDS patients?

Dear Colleagues, I have seen Ethiopian National Guideline For People living with HIV/AIDS could be find www.fantaproject.org/.../Ethiopia-HIV-Nutrition-Guidelines-2008.pdf ยท PDF file

National Guidelines for HIV/AIDS and Nutrition in Ethiopia . Abbreviations and Acronyms . AAU Addis Ababa University . AFASS Acceptable, feasible, affordable

Kemal J. Tunne


8 years ago
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