In October 2015, an international interagency group developed an interim guidance on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in the context of the Europe migrant crisis to address urgent operational challenges in the humanitarian response. We are interested to hear of your experiences and observations in using this guidance and around IYCF programming in the migrant response, to inform an update of the Interim Guidance and the Operational Guidance on IFE, and so help improve programming.

We invite you to complete an online survey and to share it with your colleagues and contacts. It is available in English and Greek. Surveys in Croatian, Serbian and Arabic will be available shortly.

If you have developed materials that you think would be helpful to our review, please send them to: marked IFE in the subject line.

The feedback survey on the interim guidance on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in the context of the Europe migrant crisis is now available in Serbian.

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


8 years ago

The interim guidance feedback survey is now available in Arabic.

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


8 years ago

The interim guidance survey is now available in Croatian and Macedonian.

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


8 years ago
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