The IYCF-E Global Technical Support Cell (Tech Support Cell) is a small group of nutrition specialists who will respond to questions and requests for support in infant and young child feeding issues and concerns during emergencies.

The aim is to increase access to technical assistance for stakeholders implementing IYCF-E, in order to strengthen timely and appropriate responses. The service was developed in respond to the demand reflected in many ad hoc requests for support directed to the Save the Children Global IYCF-E Advisor. The Tech- Support Cell aims to provide a structured mechanism for fielding and responding to requests for support. The requests will be compiled, analysed and disseminated widely, to inform broader discussions and guidance development.

The coordination group is composed of representatives from Save the Children, UNICEF and ENN (as IFE Core Group coordinator).

You can access this support by sending an email to the Tech-Support Cell Coordinator (Christine Fernandes) with the specific question or request for support.

IYCF-E Tech Support Cell email address:
Christine Fernandes:

Following a 12 month pilot phase there will be a review of the Tech-Support Cell to determine if it is an effective mechanism that should be scaled up with additional resources.

This is a very good initiative taken by you and we all need to support this as we get all the helpline and other help through online system



6 years ago
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