Is there any standard guidance on how to do a KAP survey for nutrition?

Hi Leah,

Not sure whether you've had a look at these previous discussions on en-net:

For this one, Sana Jamil of Concern shared a KAP survey questionnaire and related documentation which I can send to you,

However, these discussions are from 2013, so it would be helpful if others can share more recent experience or guidance.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Hi Leah - FAO has published a guide in 2014: I haven't used it (nor read in detail) myself yet but the Table of contents looks good and there are a number of sample questionnaires that might come in handy during questionnaire design.
Good luck with the survey,

Gudrun Stallkamp


8 years ago

Thanks Gundrun. That looks useful. I'm always surprised by the number of resources FAO has that don't seem to be out in general circulation. Best regards, Leah

Leah Richardson


8 years ago

The post below is from Shewangizaw Ashenafi, but was posted in the older discussion in the IYCF forum area, so I have moved it here:

Dear Alison
You can also try Design Behavioral Change (DBC) frame work and conduct barrier analysis like Dor’s and non –Dor’s
Please see DBC training guide from the link below.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago
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