What are the latest documents and/or guidelines on Infant Feeding in Emergencies? Has anyone produced communications materials for field staff on the topic that can be shared?

Save the Children offer a IYCF-E toolkit. You can find all the documents in:
https://sites.google.com/site/stcehn/documents/iycf-e-toolkit. There is also the IFE Core Group and collaborators (2007), Module 2 on Infant Feeding in Emergencies for health and nutrition workers in emergency situations (www.ennonline.net/ife) . All the best.

Yolande C


8 years ago

Dear Anon,
In terms of global guidance, the Operational Guidance on IFE (OG) is a key document. It is available in many languages. Note that it is currently being updated by the IFE Core Group, co-led by ENN and UNICEF. If there are specific issues you are facing that are not covered by the OG, please let us know (you can post questions on this forum).

In which context are you working as this will influence the nature of the communication material?

TO get you started, useful communication materials include the media guide on IFE, and more specific to IFE in transit settings, content available here.



8 years ago

The document "Introduction and Toolkit Framework" located here in the folder: IYCF E toolkit\CORE TOOLKIT\0. OVERVIEW OF IYCF-E TOOLKIT has the index of contents (scroll down to page 4) and will help you navigate the toolkit.
Best wishes,

Alison Donnelly


8 years ago

Thank you Marie for adding the link, as it seems that mine was not working!

Yolande C


8 years ago

For a simple guide for the non-nutritionist the ECHO IYCF-E guidance is pretty good.

ACF Baby Friendly Spaces in Emergencies is very hands on.

The Harmonized Training Package Module 17 is a bit dated but still useful.

Cheers, Leah


Leah Richardson


8 years ago
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