Which online short courses and links can benefit a non-nutrition technical staff supporting the scaling up nutrition? For example, technical knowledge on SAM, MAM, CIMAM and nutrition surveys.

Dear Titus,
Thanks for your question. Others may have more information about short courses, but here is information on 3 courses, of which the first is free and online.

Please let us know if you would like us to help in any other way.

Free, and online:
1.Nutrition MOOCs - Food for Health (3 courses)
The xSerie is a sequel of open and online courses that teaches individuals the fundamentals of nutrition and how it can affect human health under the slogan “You are what you eat”.

2.Programming for nutrition outcomes
"This course has been designed to explore the complicated problem of undernutrition, highlight its multi-sectoral causes and identify potential programmatic solutions. Chronic undernutrition affects nearly 200 million children in low- and middle-income countries and there is strong evidence that undernutrition is associated with up to 45% of all child deaths globally."

Online but not free:
3.Key concepts in food and nutrition security

Live, with the possibility of sponsorship:
4.Transforming Nutrition; Ideas, Policies and Outcomes 2016
This 5 day course is designed for both policy makers and practitioners. The course will lead participants through new ways of thinking about undernutrition and what to do about it and provide a base from which they can develop their own future leadership for transformational change.

5.Leadership in nutrition
"The aim of the African Nutrition Leadership Programme (ANLP) is to develop individual and institutional leadership capacity at various levels in nutrition across the African continent."

Other courses:
Here you will find several relevant courses, on themes such as Nutrition Monitoring, Human Rights Based Approaches to Nutrition, and Multistakeholder platforms:

Sergio Cooper Teixeira


8 years ago

From Suleiman Yakubu:
Hi Titus,

You can checkout this free online Course - Programming for Nutrition Outcomes offered by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


This course has been designed to explore the complicated problem of undernutrition, highlight its multi-sectoral causes and identify potential programmatic solutions.

- See more at: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/freeonlinecourses/nutrition/index.html#sthash.ukFUbBCZ.dpuf

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Thanks for providing links to nutrition online courses. Quite helpful and bolsters technical knowledge on nutrition issues, which is vital in nutrition advocacy.

Titus Mung'ou


8 years ago

Looking for CERP (Continuing Education Recognition Points) from the listed courses. Do they come with any FREE courses?

Rachel Simpson


8 years ago

Hi Rachel,
You'll have to contact each of the listed institutions to ask them directly. We don't have that information centralized and updated.

Best wishes,

Sergio Cooper Teixeira


8 years ago

Fellow colleagues,
I would like to make you aware of the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, that will take place in Addis Ababa, 20-24 June 2016.

The programme is rich with training and expertise in not only the science of agriculture and food systems for nutrition, but the evidence-to-policy dimension:

The week is split in two parts: training sessions in specialist research skills delivered by leading mentors for two days, followed by an international conference with over 90 presentations from the global research community working at the intersection of agriculture, nutrition and health.

Keynote speeches from internationally-recognised figures in these fields and topical panel discussions will be interspersed among many opportunities to network and foster new research collaborations.

Registration for the ANH Academy Week is free but participants will need to sponsor their own travel and accommodation. There are 100 places for the two-day Learning Labs and 150 for the three day Conference. Registration is first come, first served, so we recommend people register soon:

For further details: lcirah@lidc.bloomsbury.ac.uk

Sergio Cooper Teixeira


8 years ago
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