We at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada will be conducting an online survey titled “Stimulation activities for severely malnourished children receiving inpatient treatment.” This survey pertains to the care provided to severely malnourished children during inpatient treatment at hospitals or health units.

We are looking for physicians or healthcare workers who are currently involved in hospital or health unit inpatient treatment for severe acute malnutrition to complete this online survey. The survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

If you or a colleague might be willing to complete this survey, or if you have any questions, please email Allison Daniel at allison.daniel@sickkids.ca.

We truly appreciate your time to help improve the care of malnourished children.


Allen salvatierra md


8 years ago

This survey is titled "Stimulation activities for severely malnourished children receiving inpatient treatment". The survey is now available in French. If you want to join this study, please contact Allison Daniel, allison.daniel@sickkids.ca.

Allison Daniel


8 years ago

By use of nutrition care process, you first assess the child by use of anthropometric measurements these are weight for height,mid upper arm circumference using muac tapes,oedema(bilateral oedema).The child weight for height is taken and using Z'score -4sd,<4sd,<3sd indicate severe malnutrition ,the child may also have oedema. Management is started by use of F-75 used for stablilizing,the child does not gain weight at this period, child should only be breastfeed no other complementary food given, if there is any other medical condition it has to stabilize before transferring child to F-100 used for growth monitoring oedema also should have ended by then if not do not transfer child,if child has good appetite and is gaining weight an appetite test can be done and child moved to ready to use therapeutic food,the child can be discharged to outpatient care.

pauline kimani


8 years ago

By use of nutrition care process, you first assess the child by use of anthropometric measurements these are weight for height,mid upper arm circumference using muac tapes,oedema(bilateral oedema).The child weight for height is taken and using Z'score -4sd,<4sd,<3sd indicate severe malnutrition ,the child may also have oedema. Management is started by use of F-75 used for stablilizing,the child does not gain weight at this period, child should only be breastfeed no other complementary food given, if there is any other medical condition it has to stabilize before transferring child to F-100 used for growth monitoring oedema also should have ended by then if not do not transfer child,if child has good appetite and is gaining weight an appetite test can be done and child moved to ready to use therapeutic food,the child can be discharged to outpatient care.

pauline kimani


8 years ago

This survey is now available through the link below:


Allison Daniel


8 years ago
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