Background & Rationale:
The OFDA CMAM mHealth Project began in Chad in late 2014. World Vision (WV) Chad is currently implementing the project in 9 OTP sites in Bitkine in Guera Region. WV Canada and WV Chad are seeking the services of an experienced CMAM specialist consultant with previous exposure to mobile health applications from within the West Africa Region – ideally from within Chad – to conduct the monitoring visits to the project sites in Bitkine on behalf of WV in early April 2016.

Scope of Work:
The consultant will conduct monitoring visits to 4 to 5 project sites (Centre de santé, or CS) in Bitkine, as agreed with National Office, at the beginning of April, 2016.

The consultant will be responsible for 2 deliverables outlined below:

1. The consultant will prepare and submit a monitoring report to WV Canada and WV Chad. The monitoring report will include the following information:
• Attach meeting notes with health official/representative for Ministry of Public Health in Bitkine
• Dates and sites visited
• Of the sites visited, the number of users per site
• A description (narrative and diagram) of how the OTP & SFP staff are using the App to support daily work activities, specifically:
o Are children and mothers registered on paper register first, and then entered into the App? What is the time lag between completing the paper register and data entry into the App?
o Do the phones stay at specific work stations (e.g. Registration, Appetite Testing, Dispensary) or examination rooms at the OTP site? Or do the health workers move the phones between work stations?
• Are users able to upload data and sync the App at their work site? If not, how far do they have to go to and how often do they have network access?
• What supervision have health workers received in terms of using the App? Similarly, if they need trouble-shooting, who and where do
they go for assistance?
• Feedback from users: What is working well? What is not working so well?
• Specific areas/aspects of the CMAM App where users need additional support

2. Follow up skype call with WV Canada to review the monitoring report and to answer any questions arising from the field visits and the report itself.

Timeline for Consultancy
The monitoring activities will take place in Bitkine, Chad, during the first or 2nd week of April, 2016. The completed monitoring report must be received by WV Chad and in WV Canada by April 15th, 2016. A follow up skype call among the consultant and WV Canada will be scheduled for a mutually convenient time between April 18th – 29th, 2016.

Please send a letter of interest, including consultancy rates, along with a CV to Laura Snyder and Miriam Chang

Deadline for submission: April 1st, 2016. Previous experience with WV is an asset.


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