Dear Colleagues,

UNICEF’s Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office (LACRO) is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for a resilience-focused analysis on the responses in the Nutrition and WASH sectors to the drought in the Corredor Seco of Central America. The purpose of the institutional consultancy is to identify good examples and lessons learned from strengthening resilience in the nutrition and WASH sectors in response to the drought in three countries in Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras). It is expected that the results of the analysis will contribute to greater convergence of development investments and responses to increase resilience particularly in nutrition and WASH.

The proposal for the institutional consultancy may be submitted either by a single organization with expertise in Nutrition, Disaster Risk Reduction/resilience and WASH, or by a single organization leading a consortium of several others, working in partnership.

Please see the following link for the Terms of Reference:

Interested institutions should submit technical and financial proposal to: by 23 March 2016.


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