
can someone help me out in sharing the RUTF dosage for children who have MUAC> 115mm ..... this is particularly for areas where we don't have TSFPs.

secondly source of the prescribed dosage???


In absence of TSFP expanded criteria can be used to use one pck RUTF per day for MAM management



8 years ago

Dear Habib,

Please see this former post on en-net, which contains a link to the Expanded admissions criteria guidance: http://www.en-net.org/question/1493.aspx

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Hi Habib,
As Tamsin mentioned, the link she provided has a guidance note on the RUTF dosage in a MUAC-only based protocol. If you'd like to provide us with more information on your context and program, there are quite a few of us on here who helped co-author the guidance note and would be happy to discuss how to apply the recommendations to your specific context. Please let us know how we can help.

Jeanette Bailey


8 years ago

Provision of RUTF to children suffering from severe acute malnutrition is accepted as the best practice for treatment. It should be
noted that depending on the type and scale of supplementary feeding, children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) may also be
treated with Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food products (RUSF), like Plumpy’Sup™, or other appropriate fortified foods. However, this
manual will focus exclusively on the RUTF treatment option for MAM as most small programs do not have the number of admissions
or the logistical capacity to stock and/or use different products for SAM and MAM. Children with SAM should not be treated with
RUSF products or other fortified foods.
Therapeutic feeding for children with SAM:
The dietary management of SAM cases in outpatient care is based on
therapeutic RUTF feeds. RUTF should be provided at 200 kcal/kg/day for
children with SAM. Another standard regimen is 2 packets per day for
children 5-7 kg and 3 packets per day for a child > 7 kg. For children with
SAM, RUTF (with the addition of breast milk and/or water) replaces the
child’s entire diet. As a child is nearing recovery, appropriate foods should
be reintroduced.
Supplementary feeding for children with MAM:
The dietary management of MAM cases in outpatient care is based on
supplemental RUTF feedings. RUTF should be provided at 75 kcal/kg/day
for children with MAM. Another standard protocol is to give one packet
of RUTF per day. RUTF provided to children with MAM as part of a supplementary feeding program are only meant to supplement
the child’s diet. Children with MAM should continue to breastfeed, drink clean water, and eat appropriate foods to facilitate recovery.

Health and Nutrition Developments Society


8 years ago
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