Purpose of Consultancy/Institutional Agreement:
To support Papua New Guinea’s Provincial Health Authority to ensure that district health centers and communities have the capacity to detect and treat acute malnutrition among children under-five. The consultant, while working with Family Health coordinator and or Nutrition focal persons, where they exist, shall ensure that staff are trained and supervised, commodities and supplies for therapeutic feeding are available, data capture and record keeping is clear, and that VHVs/CBDs/CBOs are equally trained and supervised. Further, that there is well coordinated strengthened and linked services.

Work Assignments:
The consultant will perform the below tasks under the supervision of the UNICEF’s Nutrition Specialist and overall guidance of the Chief of Young Child Survival and Development.
I. In six provinces, conduct assessments of the SAM management activities within the district health system, involving both public and Church or I/NGO led facilities and other relevant community structures. The assessments shall be two-fold; bottleneck analysis (with all the stakeholders involved in IMAM services. Secondly, conduct assessments in provinces where the scale up will take place to identify additional health facilities where to establish the services and foresee gaps.
i. Expand the existing hospital SAM protocol, to detail a community approach of managing the problem, and build capacity for a strong National pool of trainers.
ii. In the six provinces, lead the National ToTs, to conduct face-to-face trainings of IMAM and perform mentorships to kick-start the integration of community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM). After the face-to-face trainings are carried out, closely support establishment of IMAM services, then conduct on-the-job coaching, and provide ongoing joint supportive supervisions.
iii. In the six provinces, in all implementing institutions, collate monthly data, to inform service uptake and intervention outcomes. An integrated supervision, performance and information management system needs to be designed and put in place so it is sustained beyond the consultancy period.
iv. Ensure that functional equipment and therapeutic foods are available, and supplies flow is integrated into the existing health system. Support district and PHA level planning and budgeting for targeted nutrition activities specific to the treatment of acute malnutrition.
v. Support NDoH to review IMAM indicators in the NHIS to match with SAM management strategy.
vi. Perform other tasks that may arise during the implementation of the above tasks that are within the SAM management strategy, and contribute to reducing malnutrition related deaths in the country.

Work Schedule:
The contract shall commence as soon as possible but not later than 15 March 2016 and shall be for a period of 9 months.

Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required:
• First degree in Nutrition. Advanced university degree in the fields of Nutrition, nutritional epidemiology, global/international health and nutrition, health/nutrition research, or other health related science field
• At least three years of relevant work experience in the area of community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) or the integrated management of acute malnutrition (IMAM).
• Knowledge of infant and young child feeding strategy
• Ability to work independently and to meet deadlines.
• Ability to write clear and concise reports in English
• Demonstrated ability to effectively work and communicate in a multicultural environment
• Computer literacy
• Excellent knowledge of WHO SAM protocol.

Consultants work Place
The consultancy will sit at UNICEF 10% of the time and for the remaining 90% of the time s/he will be in the selected provinces.

How to apply:

A full TOR is available - kindly contact Hanifa Namusoke (hnamusoke@unicef.org). Candidates are requested to submit CV and P-11 http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc full contact information of minimum 2 references, availability and proposed all-inclusive fee* by 19th of February 2016 to Rhonda Glaimai at the email address rglaimi@unicef.org with cc to Thomas Mabaso at tmabaso@unicef.org. Please note the air tickets under UNICEF contract shall be re-routable, refundable type (economy class and most direct route). The consultant will be responsible for own travel insurance, visa fee and terminal expenses.

*All-inclusive fee/ rate to include professional fee, travel costs from home base to and from Port Moresby and living expenses in Port Moresby.

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