MRP is a tool that was developed for Supplementary Feeding programmes,I understand its under study,does anyone have experience based on some study on its usage ? Is it user friendly?
The Minimum Reporting Package is being developed to harmonize and standardize reporting from SFPs. It consists primarily of a set of recommendations, consensuated across many agencies. We currently work with a 2009 draft, but we expect to revise and update it before the end of 2010. As an addition to the MRP we are developing software that will facilitate reporting. This is being piloted at the moment and needs some work to make totally user friendly, but we are getting there. Until the final version is ready, projects interested in using/testing it can contact ENN and we can provide support for instalation, tayloring to your field needs and running it. We are planning to use a simplified system until work in the software is completed. The MRP software is made so that you only enter monthly data one time. It aims to reduce errors in analysis and reduce the amount of work spent in reporting from the field. Once information is entered in the database, there are many simple ways in which you can compile the data, analyse it and create reports. You can as well export the data for specific periods of time, for example. More interesting, the data from different projects using MRP software can be put together for ad hoc analysis. A data repository of SFPs could be created in this way for programme monitoring, evaluation and research. Eventually, the system could be adaped for CMAM reporting. Those familiar with UNHCR HIS will note that the MRP software is a simplified version of the same tool, which is currently being used in dozens of refugee camps by many agencies - with great results. I understand you didn' get any reply from field users because there are only two projects using it at the moment. Do not hesitate contacting me or ENN for any further queries. We will keep all the community informed of further developments when the new version is ready for open discussion.
Technical Expert


14 years ago
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