Over 5 children and adolescents are desperately neglected in nutrition programming. The reasons for this neglect are neither understandable nor justifiable. The groups are as well vulnerable to malnutrition and its co-infections in the context of Somalia. Widespread poverty led poor living conditions which further compounded by food insecurity, poor hygiene practices, and poor coverage of health services among others. Some of the direct and over-five specific consequences include: higher morbidity and mortality, disability, lower educational achievement and reduced productivity in adulthood. I would kindly ask the experts and volunteers in the communication loops to provide their valuable inputs to the subject under discussions!
Ahmed from Somalia

Nutritional programming is really an exciting field within Nutrition now a days. In the past it has been mainly focused on impacts of undernutrition during pregnancy and health/disease outcomes later in life. We, in our Copenhagen sheep model convincingly show how nutrition during early postnatal life affect disease risks later in life. Please check our recent publications!

Dr. Prabhat Khanal


8 years ago
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