Hi All,
We are on the process of establishing national coordination mechanism which is beyond the cluster. Do you have a sample TOR for national and Sub national Coordination ? Please share us
Dear en-net user, I would recommend this question is posted on the newly formed SUN en-net site under 'general question' as the SUN Movement Secretariat moderators are likely to have very useful advice on this matter from many other countries involved in coordination.
8 years agoIn April 2010, the Humanitarian Country Team Juba Satellite adopted the cluster system to strengthen and improve humanitarian coordination mechanisms, ensuring that coordination structures are up to the challenge of addressing the complex and pressing humanitarian situation in Southern Sudan.
In line with the Humanitarian Reform, NGOs, international organizations and UN agencies operating in all sectors in Southern Sudan come together to identify gaps, plan and prioritize response, and implement and monitor activities in a spirit of partnership. The overall purpose was to alleviate human suffering and protect the lives, livelihoods and dignity of populations in need.
The South Sudan Nutrition Cluster is a relatively new cluster, created in late 2010 after strong advocacy for greater focus on nutrition in Southern Sudan. The primary purpose of the Nutrition Cluster is to support and strengthen coordination of nutrition actors within the humanitarian community, and ensure appropriate and efficient response to humanitarian crisis by providing life-saving nutrition support to populations in need in accordance with national and global standards.
The Nutrition Cluster is coordinated by UNICEF as Cluster Lead Agency and ACF-USA as Cluster Co-Lead and responsible for establishing and maintaining effective coordination mechanisms at central and state levels, and representing cluster interest. Currently, the nutrition cluster has partners made up UN agencies and national and international NGOs.
The Nutrition Cluster also works closely with and supports the Ministry of Health that is responsible for overall initiation, organization, coordination, and implementation of all nutrition activities in Southern Sudan. Wherever possible, the Nutrition Cluster operates in support of and in coordination with local authorities.
II. Objective
Improve state level coordination within the nutrition cluster to ensure timely, predictable and effective response to emergency situations and improve the quality in delivery of nutrition services in the state.
III. General Guidelines of Engagement
? Co-chair with the State Level Focal Point Nutrition Cluster coordination meetings;
? Advocate for the full integration of Nutrition services in state Health programmes and recruitment of qualified Nutrition staff;
? Support the sourcing of immediately needed supplies from UNICEF on behalf of Nutrition partners;
? Facilitate introductions of Nutrition partners with state authorities;
? Disseminate policies and standards and monitor its application at state and county level
? Identify capacity development needs, challenges and issues at the state level
II. Objective
Improve state level coordination within the nutrition cluster to ensure timely, predictable and effective response to emergency situations and improve the quality in delivery of nutrition services in the state.
III. Specific Terms of Reference
? Raise awareness among key state authorities about the nutrition situation in the state, outlining the importance, functions and operational framework of the Nutrition Cluster, in collaboration with OCHA and SSRRC;
? Ensure appropriate state level coordination between all Nutrition humanitarian partners as well as SMoH and local authorities;
? Establish effective linkages with other clusters (with OCHA support), especially Health, WASH and Food Security and Livelihoods;
? Serve as cluster representative in humanitarian forums and point of reference for inquires on the cluster’s response plans and operations within the state;
? Support partners in effective coordination, to address gaps and avoid duplication in the implementation of appropriate emergency nutrition responses, including assessments and surveillance;
? Collect and consolidate reports submitted by partners and ensure their timely submission to the Nutrition Cluster at central level and distribution to state partners and MOH.
? Disseminate relevant information to state and central level partners (e.g. minutes of humanitarian forum and Nutrition Cluster meetings, reports from other humanitarian actors e.g. IOM, OCHA, partner surveys/assessments).
The 3rd important focal points in the nutrition coordination Triangle are the UNICEF focal points
I. Objective
Improve state level coordination within the nutrition cluster to ensure timely, predictable and effective response to emergency situations and improve the quality in delivery of nutrition services in the state.
III. Specific Roles and Responsibilities
? Support SMoH in the coordination, planning and implementation of state nutrition activities;
? Raise awareness among key state authorities of the nutrition situation in the state, outlining the importance, functions and operational framework of the Nutrition Cluster, in collaboration with OCHA and SSRRC;
? Support State Level Focal Points establish effective coordination mechanisms with collaborating partners of the Nutrition Cluster;
? Identify the capacity development needs of SMoH and partners and support the coordination of relevant trainings, leveraging existing technical expertise within the state where possible;
? Ensure the access of SMoH and partners to UNICEF supplies and equipment to implement nutrition activities and respond to emergencies;
? In collaboration with SMoH and partners, monitor nutrition activities and recommend solutions to challenges and needs identified;
? Provide technical support to SMoH and partners to ensure the application of appropriate guidelines and standards and the dissemination of good practices and lessons learned;
? Support State Level Focal Points in the identification of new Nutrition Cluster partners; and
? Monitor Nutrition Cluster performance and provide recommendations to improve its effectiveness in the implementation of nutrition activities and response to emergencies.
8 years ago