Nutrition Survey Co-ordinator Jordan - UNHCR

Dates of consultancy: from 03/04/2016 to 24 /06/2016

Duty Station: Amman and for the report writing and further analysis home-based

Due to the protracted and evolving situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, large numbers of Syrians have sought and continue to seek protection in the neighbouring and nearby countries of Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan.

According to the UNHCR population figures as of 31st December 2015, there are 634,064 registered Syrian refugees in Jordan. Approximately 80% of Syrians are living outside camps with the majority living in Irbid, Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa governorates. Za’atri camp has an estimated 79,303 residents, Azraq camp has 29,211 residents and the Emirati-Jordanian camp has 6,332 residents
UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and partners are providing food/food voucher and nutrition assistance among Syrian refugees residing in Za’atri and Azraq camps and the urban setting in Jordan. In 2015 cuts were made to food assistance in the urban setting due to funding shortfalls. The full package of food assistance is estimated at the value of 20 JDs. Currently WFP is providing the following:

• JOD 15 per person for those refugees in the community categorized as extremely vulnerable (around 212,000 individuals)
• JOD 10 per person for those refugees in the community categorized as vulnerable (around 230,000 individuals).
• Refugees in the urban setting who are not in one of the above two groups do not receive any food assistance.

The assistance to those in the camps remain at the full JOD20 per person plus daily distribution of bread.

As part of monitoring and evaluation of the nutrition situation and the food/voucher assistance a nutrition survey will be conducted both the camp and out of camp refugees (three surveys). The nutrition survey is planned in end of April and May 2016. The findings of the survey will inform future food/voucher assistance and nutrition related activities delivered to refugees in the country.

The nutrition assessment is a joint initiative between the Ministry of Health of the Government of Jordan, UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, UNFPA and the Nutrition Working Group (NWG). The survey budget will be cost-shared between UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and UNFPA.

General Background of Project or Assignment:
Purpose of the consultancy: conduct a UNHCR SENS Nutrition Survey in Za’atri camp and out-of-camp refugees.

The Consultant will oversee the UNHCR SENS and produce updated Anthropometry, Health, Anaemia, IYCF, Food Security and WASH indicators in the two populations of Za’atri and out- of-camp refugees as per the following objectives (may be further refined after discussion with partners in Jordan):

1. To estimate the prevalence of acute malnutrition (wasting), chronic malnutrition (stunting) and underweight amongst Syrian refugee children aged 6-59 months in Jordan based on MUAC and weight for height.
2. To estimate the prevalence of acute malnutrition among women of reproductive age (non-pregnant) in the Syrian refugee population in Jordan based on Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC).
3. To measure the prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months and in women of reproductive age between 15-49 years (non-pregnant).
• To determine enrolment in Antenatal Care Clinic and coverage of iron-folic acid supplementation in pregnant women.
4. To investigate IYCF practices among children 0-23 months.
5. To identify/document the underlying factors likely to influence the nutrition well-being of the Syrian population in host communities and in the camps.
• To assess the two-week period prevalence of diarrhoea among children aged 6- 59 months.
6. To define the current state of food security among the refugee population:
• To determine the extent to which negative coping strategies are used by households
• To assess household dietary diversity (HDDS).
7. To determine the population's access to, and use of, improved water and sanitation and hygiene facilities.
• The proportion of households that use an improved drinking water source.
• The proportion of households that use a covered or narrow necked container for storing their drinking water.
• The proportion of households that use an adequate quantity of water per person per day.
• The proportion of households who say they are satisfied with the water supply.
• The proportion of households using an improved excreta disposal facility.
• The proportion of households with children under three years old whose (last) stools were disposed of safely.
8. To establish recommendations on actions to be taken to address the situation.
Android smartphones will be used to collect data in the field.
The consultant will ensure that:
• Development/finalization of the survey protocol and timeline in collaboration with partners, including sampling frame and sampling procedure.
• Appropriate survey personnel are recruited by the implementing NGO.
• Ensure the implementing NGO makes adequate and timely logistic arrangements.
• Sufficient training is given to the survey teams.
• Standardisation tests are undertaken for measurers.
• Questionnaires are translated and back translated (if appropriate) and field tested.
• Background and general information are collected.
• Quality checks of the haemoglobin measuring equipment and measurements as well as scales and height measurements will be conducted on a regular basis throughout the survey.
• Establishment of data collection and entry through android mobile phones including settings ranges and automatic skip patterns in collaboration with the partner NGO.
• Intensive supervision of data quality and collection in the field and recording is provided.
• Technical support will be available from UNHCR Geneva and from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

• A final survey report including recommendations on actions to address the situation is to be submitted at the end of the Consultancy. Results of standardisation tests, details of data cleaning and plausibility checks should be presented in the final report. The report must conform with the CRED survey completeness checklist (
• Standardised tables as presented in the UNHCR SENS Guidelines for refugee populations (version 2.0 2013, should be used for presentation of the results, including confidence intervals of all results.
• The findings and major recommendations are to be presented to partners at the mission level (oral presentation and PowerPoint slides).
• The final cleaned version of the data sets used to calculate the survey results is to be sent to the Public Health Section in UNHCR HQ and to the UNHCR Country Office.

Qualification and Experience of Consultant
The relevant candidate will:
• Have a university degree or the equivalent, with advanced education in nutrition, with a specific competency in humanitarian emergencies.
• Have significant experience in undertaking nutrition surveys (design and methodologies, staff recruitment and training, field supervision and data analysis/write up).
• Have experience with the SMART survey methodology and ENA, Epi/ENA or Epi Info software.
• Have experience with analysis using ENA or EpiInfo software.
• Have 8 - 10 years working experience in nutrition related activities.
• Be fluent in English, with excellent writing and presentation skills.

Monitoring and Progress Controls
The consultant will report on a regular basis to the UNHCR Senior Public Health Officer, Amman Jordan to update on the progress of the development of the Surveys and to UNHCR Geneva Senior Nutritionist on a weekly basis or as often as required.

How to Apply
Please send CVs to HQPHN with the title Jordan survey by the 17th February 2016.

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