I am working on issues surrounding how to best deal with issues related to the non-breastfed child in emergency situations. One of the situations where I am focusing on is the non-breastfed child in the context of the humanitarian crisis surrounding IDPs and those in conflict areas of Eastern Ukraine.

I am aware of the standard operational guidance on these topics and have tried find and review everything that should be relevant in terms not only of Ukraine, but also other countries where feeding of the non-breastfed child in emergency situations (both those < 6 months and those 6-24 has been discussed. This includes ENN sources regarding Syria Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey as well as the migrants in Europe) , also natural disasters in Philippines, Indonesia, and also the "Ebola" countries.

But I suspect I do not have as much all the most up-to-date information as exists on Ukraine. I would like to reach out for and hope to receive assessments or updates related to E-IYCF in Ukraine and Ukraine IDPs or refugees in surrounding countries that has been developed in the second half of 2015 or early this year. :

I do not wish to waste anyone's time so I will list what I already have below:

(1) Ukraine Nutrition Sub-Cluster Response Plan 2015 –May 2015. Nutrition Sub-Cluster of the Health and Nutrition Cluster https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/operations/ukraine/nutrition

(2). The UNHCR Map of IDPS (8/2015 ) [url} http://unhcr.org.ua/attachments/article/1244/ukr_IDPs_A4L_14.08.2015.pdf[/url]
the Ukraine: Internally Displaced People – 14 August 2015

(3). Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard – January to November 2015

4). IYCF-E Assessment Preliminary Findings Donetsk NGCA Save the Children April 6-8, (PowerPoint presentation) (Is there a more comprehensive report?)

(5) Emergency Infant and Young Child Feeding Assessment among Internally Displaced Persons – Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhia, Ukraine by Aimee Summers, Oleg Bilukha Final Report June 2015 UNICEF and US CDC

(6) Interim Operational Considerations for the feeding support of Infants and Young
Children under 2 years of age in refugee and migrant transit settings in Europe
V1.0. Issued: 1st October, 2015. (This may not be applicable.

Perhaps there is additional information not generally available from folks like Anna Ziolkovska who did scoping missions for the GNC to Kiev, in 2/2015. and 3-4/2015?

Many have visited Ukraine to help with IYCF-E during the current crisis, are there lessons to be learned?

Is this a somewhat unique country regarding IYCF-E for many reasons?
for example:
-- the low birth rate,
-- low rate of malnutrition
-- high education levels of women
-- a health system rooted in the Former Soviet Union (PHC and many trained health professionals at all levels)
-- facility base births but only a couple BFHs
-- community "milk stores,"
-- low Code enforcement, high imports levels, local production and pervasive marketing of BMS

Any comments, information, lessons learned or recent experience with any of these issues including the opinions of Ukrainian mothers would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Gary!

I supported the Ukraine nutrition/ IYCF-E response for several months during 2015, therefore can provide some assistance, in response to your message. Contact: deborahsskype



8 years ago

In Ukraine, UNICEF is the Nutrition Sub Cluster leading agency and WHO (represented by me) co-chairing the cluster. Please feel free to contact me. I am sure Deborah has provided you very valuable information, as she has been involved in one of the assessment you have listed.This was the last IYCF-E (NGCA) assessment we have, and was completed in end of 2015.

Isabel Periquito


8 years ago
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