The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP - is now open in Washington, DC! Contribute to their agenda by completing this survey by January 22nd.

In October 2015, the CaLP opened an office serving North America and based in Washington, DC, with funding from USAID’s Office of Food for Peace. The funding, which continues through March 2017, includes CaLP trainings in the US and abroad; guidance and training regarding monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning for cash-based interventions; and support for institutionalizing cash readiness and related learning.

CaLP North America seeks your input to develop its plans to support the US cash community of practice through a 5-7 minute survey ( ). The survey will assess critical enablers and blockers to cash programming and needs of the North America cash community of practice in overseas humanitarian responses. Contributions from the nutrition sector are greatly appreciated!

For any questions about CaLP in North America, please contact Jenny Coneff, CaLP North America Regional Focal Point at

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