Prior Information Notice for DFID Funded Research into Nutrition Data Gaps

This is a prior information notice (PIN) only, and includes information on an early market engagement event scheduled for Friday 12th February 2015.

Programme information
As a result of Business Case approval, DFID intends to publish a competition opportunity for the Strengthening Data for Nutrition Programme (SDNP) in early 2016. DFID will be seeking a supplier to deliver a new 3-4 year research programme up to a total value of £2.75m to develop and test low-cost solutions to address critical nutrition-related data gaps in priority countries. In particular the programme will focus on improving the availability, quality and use of surveillance and early warning data across a range of countries to help mitigate the impact of seasonal food insecurity, disease outbreaks, and other shocks and disasters on malnutrition (including stunting and wasting). It will likely involve innovative modelling using open access and other types of data, and development of novel solutions to data collection and analysis that make best use of new technologies whilst avoiding overburdening existing data collection systems. The range of functions DFID expects the supplier to fulfil includes data modelling, project and fund management, technical design and delivery and knowledge sharing and management.

Early Market Engagement Event
DFID will be hosting an Early Market Engagement Event about the planned SDNP procurement and the services required for potential bidders. The main objective is to facilitate an opportunity for bidders to meet, to elicit market views on the feasibility of the proposed project and to discuss challenges and opportunities. DFID will present the SDNP concept and proposed outputs, as well as a set of key questions to stimulate the discussion.

The event will be in the form of a 1.5 hour session that will take place in DFID, 22 Whitehall, London, on Friday 12th February 2016 between 1pm and 2.30pm.

Interested parties should register for the event via the following link: by 5pm (UK time) on Monday 8th February. Please also register for PO 7442 on the DFID Supplier Portal to find information and to access the link to the registration form for the event. All communications will be posted through PO 7442, so it’s essential that interested bidders log in and register interest ( If parties require further information, please contact Wasonga Misumi ( who is facilitating this process on behalf of DFID.

DFID intends to publish the draft Terms of Reference on the DFID Supplier Portal prior to the event. The discussion’s key points, slides and list of attendees will also be published after the event on the Supplier Portal.

Due to space restrictions, we must limit attendance to only one attendee per interested party. It will be possible to dial in to the meeting if this is necessary. Dial in details will be provided through the Portal in advance of the meeting.

No tender documents are available at this stage. The tender, and all relevant documentation, will be published on DFID’s Supplier Portal in due course.

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