I have faced some problem on treatment of SAM & MAM at emergency sites with a preparation of soup. can you give me technical advises about Preparation of soup from different ingredients ;
1. wheat flour
2. sugar
3. Iodized Salt
4. edible oil
5. powder milk
so, how do we prepare the soup and the exact proportion of each ingredient for acute malnutrition infants (SAM and MAM) and lactate mothers and how much portion use once a time and how many times they take in a day for each case i.e SAM & MAM and for how long they take.
I hope you will reply soon. thank you!

From Monira Parveen:

Dear Berhane,
In Bangladesh, WFP has been using wheat-soy- dried skim milk -blend food fortified with micronutrients (called Superceareal Plus) to treat 6-59 months MAM children (also distributed in the past in emergency response) which is similar to your wheat flour (mixed with powder milk, sugar & oil). We advise to prepare porridge (also preferred by local mothers) out of it. Consistency depends on the child’s age and mother’s preference as per the child’s comfort.
However, just to give an instruction to mother (often cooking demonstration), in general for a medium consistency porridge we used the following method:

1. Flour and water ratio: 1: 4-5 (increase water as you want to make it thinner)
2. Boil the clean and safe water (into a clean bowl) for 10 minutes (if needed to purify)
3. Pour the flour slowly and stir at the same time
4. Cook for 10-15 minutes

For the proportion you may look at the Super Cereal Plus specification and consult the food technologist (DSM can also help)
Best reegards

Senior Programme Officer – Nutrition

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Thanks for this but could you indicate link or attach the WFP or any agency manual regarding this.thanks ones again

Kemal J. Tunne


8 years ago

Dear Berhane,
In Somalia WFP and UNICEF IMAM Guiled has been using sorghum soy-blended with VITA, dried skim milk -blend food fortified with micronutrients (called Superceareal Plus) to treat 6-59 months MAM children (also distributed in the past in emergency response) which is similar to your wheat flour (mixed with powder milk, sugar & oil). We advise to prepare porridge (also preferred by local mothers) out of it. Consistency depends on the child’s age and mother’s preference as per the child’s comfort.
However, just to give an instruction to mother (often cooking demonstration), in general for a medium consistency porridge we used the following method:

1. Flour and water ratio: 1: 4-5 (increase water as you want to make it thinner)
2. Boil the clean and safe water (into a clean bowl) for 10 minutes (if needed to purify)
3. Pour the flour slowly and stir at the same time
4. Cook for 10-15 minutes at SFP food demonstrations
for preparation you can follow IMAM guideline WFP and UNICEF IMAM

Abdullahi Nor Mohamed
Former ACF Somalia ,Nut program me manager – Nutrition

Health and Nutrition Developments Society


8 years ago
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