UNICEF, Pakistan is looking for a consultant to develop an Infant and Young Child Feeding emergency (e) guidelines for the roll out of IYCF practices during emergencies in Pakistan.

According to Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, 2012-13, only 38% children are exclusively breast fed (1% increase from PDHS 2006-07), while one in five children is exclusively bottle fed. However, 84% of children 6-8 months followed by 83% of children age 9-11 months are still being breast fed. By the age of 20 - 23 months this percentage declines to 56%. (PDHS 2012-2013).
Multiple assessments have shown that under emergency conditions, IYCF practices generally compromised and use of formula milk increase due to many reasons (one of the most important reason is the distribution of formula milk as donations/gifts during emergency condition).
There is gradual scaled up of nutrition program in last few year with focus on the most vulnerable and emergency affected districts in all four province of Pakistan.
Current IYCF program coverage is linked with CMAM programmatic coverage. CMAM program is encompassing the establishment of IYCF corners with IYCF messages dissemination. A more systemic approach toward IYCF intervention is lacking in both emergency and non-emergency prospective.
This consultancy will provide an opportunity to review the existing IYCF guiding documents for emergencies and establishing a way forward to have a national IYCF -e guideline (endorsed)for implementation of IYCF practices under emergency situation.

1. Draft and finalize an inception report with a detailed activity plan and time frame/activity.
2. Carry out the implementation of the inception report / activity plan to deliver expected consultancy outputs; specifically review of existing literatures on IYCF in Emergencies, best practices & lesson learns, infant feeding and HIV, existing IYCF Strategy, and other relevant national / international documents.
3. In consultation with all relevant partners, draft the national IYCF e guidelines.
4. Present the draft emergency guideline in a consensus building workshop with the stakeholders.
5. Develop final draft guidelines and action plan for the roll out.
6. Conduct a validation workshop to present and discuss the final draft of the Emergency IYCF guideline with representatives of stakeholder groups and key partners.
7. Make revisions on the emergency IYCF guidelines based on the suggestions from validation workshop and submit final emergency IYCF guideline.

Contract duration: 03 months
Based at Islamabad.
Qualification and experience:
• Master’s degree in community health, community medicine, public health nutrition, medicine, nursing and midwifery, social science, or other relevant discipline, preferably with master’s degree in nutrition and/or public health
• At least 5 years’ experience on IYCF guideline development and implementation in a similar or related context.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
• Creative thinking, drive for results and strong commitments.
• Good inter-personal relationship skills even in diverse work environment.

Application process:
Interested candidates should submit by January 6th 2016 :
- A letter of interest, detailing previous experience relevant to the consultancy
- A Curriculum vitae
to sshuja@unicef.org

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