Save the Children is looking for an Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices Assessment Consultant to carry out assessments of IYCF practices among refugees in transit in Europe, with a focus in Croatia and Greece. The number of refugees and migrants prepared to make potentially perilous journeys to flee conflict and persecution is at an all-time high. As of 10 November, more than 792,883 people have crossed the Mediterranean so far in 2015. 3,440 people have died or are missing in attempting to cross the Mediterranean. The vast majority of refugees and migrants travelling to the EU come from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea and Nigeria. In many transit countries there is no management in place in informal camps, with dire conditions in some and inadequate facilities across all. Even the formal reception/ detention centres in many countries lack management capacity and ability to provide access to basic facilities. People often do not have access to water and sanitation facilities, and access to medical care and food is inadequate. The number of people in camps changes every day and even those with the resources to pay cannot easily find accommodation or access basic facilities. Children, elderly, female-headed families and people with disabilities are highly vulnerable, with screening and reception facilities overwhelmed. Save the Children response includes a strong focus on Infant and Young Child Feeding, and more information is needed to ensure that the programmatic approach is meeting the needs of families, mothers and their young children in transit. Contact Megan Gayford : for more information
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