CONSULTANT NEEDED for CMAM Capacity Building CMAM technical support for OTP activities and Community Mobilization Consultation Language: French Timeline: 16 days preferably starting from 24 January 2016 ? tbc Application Process: Interested candidates should submit by 06 January 2016 : - A letter of interest, detailing previous experience relevant to the consultancy, a description of methodology and work plan to undertake this assignment (technical proposal) and financial proposal (daily rate) - A CV to Judith Haase, West Africa Regional Nutrition Advisor: TERMS OF REFERENCE ? CMAM SUPPORT: NUTRITION & COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION in MAURITANIA Duration a. Total days in the field (including 4 days of international travel): 14 days b. Total days report writing: 2 days c. Total consultancy period: 16 days Schedule: The fieldwork is scheduled to last from 11 to 30 January 2016. The report will be written over a period of two days after the consultant?s return and submitted by the end of February 8, 2016 Location of assignment: 1. The CMAM technical support for OTP activities and Community Mobilization will be in Assaba region to support the capacity building of project staff supporting of 29 OTP centres and 2 SC (with a total of approximately 100 staff and volunteers) which serve directly an estimated 1064 SAM mother-child couples and 134 325 indirect beneficiaries. 2. The technical support will also accompany the project staff in community health worker management and support as well as mobile malnutrition management circuits Purpose: To provide necessary technical onsite support to ensure effective implementation of CMAM services, including Community Mobilization within the Assaba District. Background of WV Mauritania and CMAM experience: WV Mauritania has been working in CMAM at multiple levels throughout its time in Mauritania. Most recently, it has been working with funding from UNICEF to support OTP and SC in the Kankossa and Guerou districts in the Assaba region (since May 2014) as well as in supporting community prevention of acute malnutrition through the timed and targeted counseling approach in the Guerou district (since 2011). World Vision has also been working with funding from WFP to support moderate acute malnutrition management centers through a local implementation partner and supplementary targeted feeding in the same region. Objectives of the consultancy: Objective 1: To strengthen the nutrition technical skills of MOH and WV CMAM staff ensuring that the CMAM program is implemented in accordance with the National Protocol. Specifically: - to ensure MOH and WV CMAM staff have the skills and tools required to effectively identify and appropriately refer children with acute malnutrition with medical complications to the CRENIs. - to ensure MOH and WV CMAM staff have the skills and tools required to effectively treat severe acute malnutrition without medical complications in established CRENAS sites. Objective 2: To strengthen the Community Mobilization activities linked to the UNICEF funded project by providing WV CMAM staff and Key Community Members with the skills and tools required to implement an effective community mobilization plan. Expected output: 1. List of Recommendations (Technical and CM) ? To be left with WV Mauritania team on day of departure. 2. The report will be no longer than 20 pages plus appendices. This should include the following: evaluation of technical visits to designated outpatient therapeutic program (OTP) and stabilization center (SC), discussion of potential challenges, and recommendations for addressing challenges. It should also include the assessment findings regarding barriers to access faced by communities along with traditional and cultural practices that may need to be taken into account to increase acceptability and accessibility of the CMAM program. Specific recommendations for improving community mobilization activities should be included. A draft report will be submitted within 14 days of completion of the visit to the WVMauritania office 3. WV stakeholders (WV Mauritania office, WV West Africa Regional Office, WV Germany and WVI Nutrition Centre of Expertise) will review the report and provide feedback prior to finalization. 4. A monitoring plan to be left with WV Mauritania team on day of departure Profile of Consultant i. Masters Level University training in public health, nutrition or other relevant field of study ii. Solid understanding of the CMAM programme approach, including implementation experience. iii. Thorough understanding of the common barriers to access within CMAM programmes, and demonstrated experience in community mobilization. iv. In-depth understanding of acute malnutrition from nutrition/public health point of view. v. Experience in capacity development and training vi. Strong oral and written communication skills vii. Fluent in French (in country support and report to be provided in French)
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