Dear all, We are pleased to announce the creation of the Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) ou l?Equipe Technique d?Intervention Rapide . During humanitarian crises, the response capacity of governments, UN agencies, and international and local NGOs may be compromised as they struggle to find adequate technical and human resources to meet urgent technical needs. In order to respond to these inter-agency challenges, International Medical Corps (IMC) and consortium partners Action Against Hunger (ACF-USA) and Save the Children UK (SCUK), with funding from USAID-OFDA, will provide partners with emergency response technical expertise and human resource support through its Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT). The Tech RRT project aims to improve overall emergency nutrition response by deploying technical surge advisors in major and complex humanitarian crisis and by providing remote support and building the capacity of stakeholders involved in humanitarian responses. This initiative is also closely coordinate with the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) in Geneva and the UNICEF Nutrition section in New York. 4 experts (Assessment, CMAM, Infant and Young Child Feeding and Social Behavior Change and Communication) are available to deploy for 4-6 weeks to support the humanitarian nutrition community and/or the nutrition country clusters. They can deploy conjointly or individually depending on the needs. However these resources are not to gap fill. The steering Committee of the project will review the requests and provide a response within 72 hours. Decision are made based on the severity and magnitude of the crisis. All costs related to the Tech RRT are covered by the grant. You just need to ask for ! Any questions or interest, please contact me at [url][/url] or follow the link [url][/url] All documents are also available in French. Good day !
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