TERMS OF REFERENCE U.N. WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME ? NEPAL COUNTRY OFFICE NUTRITION SPECIALIST POSITION: The Nutrition Specialist (Consultant), in addition to the regular duties described in the generic Terms of Reference for WFP Programme Officers , will focus on four main areas: 1) Project design and management; 2) Coordination, policy development and technical assistance 3) Resource management, 4) any other duty related to WFP Nepal?s overall nutrition portfolio. The Nutrition Specialist reports to the Head of Programme Unit, under the Deputy Country Director, or their designees. BACKGROUND The World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal provides food and nutrition security assistance through five Sub-Offices with four major projects: the Country Programme 200319 (2013-17), the Emergency Operations (EMOP 200668) in response to the 2015 earthquake, the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation, PRRO 200136 (2015-17) for Bhutanese refugees, and the upcoming PRRO 200875 (2016-18). WFP supports the Zero Hunger Challenge goals of the Government of Nepal through activities targeting nutrition, education and livelihoods support. As a result of the devastating earthquake on 25 April 2015, WFP started a three-phase emergency operation (EMOP). A new Protracted Recovery and Relief Operation (PRRO) will start from January 2016 till December 2018, aiming at long term reconstruction and development in the earthquake affected areas. WFP?s strategic direction takes a lifecycle approach aimed at preventing malnutrition and enabling year round access to food, by supporting vulnerable communities, including pregnant women and nursing mothers, young and school going children as well as adults. WFP in Nepal intervenes both operationally and analytically in a variety of sectors through food and nutrition security assistance; these sectors include nutrition, education, livelihoods and, emergency preparedness and response. WFP?s current response efforts and plans for longer term recovery programmes in affected districts have notably increased the scale of operations in country. WFP has been present in Nepal since 1964. Malnutrition rates in Nepal are among the highest in the world. Forty-one percent of children under five are stunted, 29 percent are underweight and 11 percent are wasted. The prevalence of stunting in the hills and mountains of the mid- and far-western regions is extreme, with rates above 60 percent. Micronutrient deficiencies are also widespread; in particular, 46 percent of children 6-59 months, 35 percent of women of reproductive age and 48 percent of pregnant women are anaemic. According to the World Bank, GDP loss due to malnutrition can be as high as 2-3 percent. Malnutrition slows economic growth and perpetuates poverty through direct losses in productivity from poor physical status, and indirect losses from poor cognitive function, and increased health costs. WFP Nepal?s nutrition-specific activities are aimed at the: 1) prevention of chronic malnutrition in children under two years of age, and pregnant and lactating women; 2) treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in children aged six to 59 months, and; 3) strengthening the nutrition capacity of the Government both at policy and implementation levels. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Within delegated authority, the Nutrition Specialist will be responsible for the following duties: 1. Programme Management Responsible for overall management of implementation of all nutrition activities under the Country Programme, PRROs, and EMOP, including related capacity development. The Nutrition Specialist will be responsible for leading the roll-out of the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) programmes in earthquake-affected districts in close partnership with the Ministry of Health and Population, UN agencies and Nutrition Cluster partners in addition to management of WFP?s ongoing nutrition activities. Specifically: ? Design: Lead the design of all nutrition-related activities including overall strategy, implementation, capacity development and monitoring and evaluation plans; develop project documents/ concept notes/proposals aligning with the Government of Nepal?s policies and strategies as well as under the WFP corporate framework; assist the government in identifying fields of development where nutrition assistance aligned with WFP?s global strategy can efficiently be utilised; seek partnerships with initiatives by the sister UN agencies, national and international NGOS, donors, and relevant stakeholders; draft budget revisions, as and when required; draft and manage Field Level Agreement sand Memorandums of Understanding, as appropriate. ? Implementation: Provide continuing liaison with the Government of Nepal on the handling of food, transport and distribution; ensure compliance with the WFP?s policies, criteria, guidelines and procedures; oversee preparation and dissemination of timely analytical and critical reports including monitoring and evaluation reports; ensure that complementary programme activities are planned and delivered, especially in regard to nutrition messaging and behaviour change communication; and, liaise with the other WFP units (Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping, M&E, Cash and Vouchers, Logistics, etc.) and WFP Sub-Offices, national and international NGOs, Government counterparts, and other key stakeholders, for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of relevant programme activities. 2. Coordination, Technical Assistance and Policy Development Responsible for overall WFP representation in the area of nutrition. Specifically: ? Represent WFP in various technical working groups related to nutrition, including REACH, SUN, the Nutrition Cluster, and the National Nutrition Group among others. ? Participate actively in thematic working groups directly related to WFP?s nutrition operations in Nepal. These include: Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM), Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), Micronutrient, and Nutrition Information Management working groups. ? Coordinate actively with UNICEF, WHO, FAO, and other relevant nutrition stakeholders and donors to ensure alignment of operations, and policy and programme support. ? Identify possible additional areas for WFP?s future engagement in nutrition in Nepal, e.g. social safety nets and staple food fortification efforts. 3. Resource Management Responsible for managing funds and staff under the Nutrition Unit. Specifically: ? Fundraising and advocacy: Support the Head of the Programme, and Senior Management in fundraising strategies: prepare funding proposals and reports; maintain relationships with relevant donors; and prepare nutrition related communication and advocacy materials ? Staff Management: Supervise programme staff under the Nutrition Unit; assess training needs of nutrition staff, and provide timely opportunity to develop their skills and capacity; provide clear guidance and support in carrying out their duties. 4. Perform other related duties, as required. ESSENTIAL EXPERIENCE AND REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have: ? Advanced University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: Public Health Nutrition (human nutrition/applied nutrition)/Public Health, Medicine, Nursing, Social Sciences, Development Studies or another study relevant to Nutrition. Experience ? At least five years of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in Public Nutrition and/or Public Health & Nutrition programme management, programme formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation in public sector public health management or related field including development projects, emergency assistance, and/or operational aspects of food assistance or relief operations. ? Experience in direct implementation of IMAM, micronutrient supplementation, maternal health and nutrition programmes and multi-sectoral responses addressing the underlying causes of undernutrition. ? Experience of carrying out health and nutrition surveys and/or other relevant surveillance activities. Knowledge ? Current knowledge of the latest developments, guidelines and standards, and technology in the field of Nutrition, especially in the prevention and treatment of maternal, neonatal and child undernutrition. ? Proven ability to conceptualize, develop, plan and manage programmes, leadership and teamwork abilities, good analytical, negotiation, communication and advocacy skills. ? Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain effective work relationships with government counterparts, donors, UN agencies and NGOs/INGOs ? Excellent analytical skills; resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, tact, and negotiation skills. ? Ability to work in a team, and establish effective working relations with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds; ? Excellent writing and verbal skills. ? Fluency in both oral and written English; Nepali would be an asset. Please apply at [url]http://reliefweb.int/job/1250676/nutrition-specialist-consultant[/url]
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