Learn more and Apply here: [url]https://www.spring-nutrition.org/careers/instructional-design-consultant-ag-and-sbc-focused[/url] A. Background: The SPRING Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by USAID. SPRING?s overarching vision is to reduce undernutrition, prevent stunting, and work with women and children on reducing anemia. By providing state-of-the-art technical support, SPRING aims to strengthen country efforts to scale up high-impact nutrition practices and policies to improve maternal and child nutrition outcomes. SPRING's experienced implementation team consists of experts from JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc., Helen Keller International, The International Food Policy Research Institute, Save the Children, and The Manoff Group. SPRING has developed a print-based guide to enhance the nutrition-sensitivity of agriculture projects, by applying key principles from the fields of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Social and Behavior Change (SBC). This guide has been developed to help implementers operationalize the pathways linking agriculture and nutrition using SBC by: -Better understanding concepts and principles related to SBC within agriculture value chains, market systems and livelihoods, and nutrition -Identifying priority nutrition-sensitive agriculture behaviors that will impact nutritional outcomes for women and children -Prioritizing and promoting selected nutrition-sensitive agriculture behaviors in existing or new agriculture and market-led activities The contents of the guide have been tested in the Kyrgyz Republic (May 2015) and Bangladesh (September 2015). In addition, internal and external reviewers from agriculture, nutrition, and SBC fields have provided feedack. The next step is to transform the content into an engaging self-guided learning experience. B. Objectives: Currently, SPRING has drafted a print based guide in MS Word that we would like to convert to an online or distance learning guide. This consultant will work with the team to design a user-friendly online or distance learning guide that will help international development professionals working in agriculture use behavior change to promote nutrition-sensitive practices among farming families, and other actors in the market. To achieve this objective, SPRING is seeking a consultant with expertise in instructional design, preferably within the agriculture sector, to support the adaptation of the guide. Specifically, the consultant will: -Lead the design of the guide for agriculture project implementers to apply concepts of nutrition-sensitive agriculture and social and behavior change in their work. The guide will consist of a series of modules that might include short videos/animations and self-guided exercises, as recommended by this consultant. -Develop additional content for the guide as needed -Support the design of a short pitch presentation. Learn more and apply here: [url]https://www.spring-nutrition.org/careers/instructional-design-consultant-ag-and-sbc-focused[/url]
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