What is the latest in terms of interpreting chronic malnutrition rates? I am particularly interested in conditions where acute malnutrition is less than 5% but chronic malnutrition rates range in the 30 to upper 40 percentiles for under 5 year olds. Can chronic malnutrition rates be used in conjunction with acute malnutrition rates to help assess food security of a community? Thank you.
I don't know about the "latest" in interpreting chronic malnutrition "rates". I am also not sure about assessing "food security" using a combined indicator since the term "food security" tends to have quite a broad definition. Having said that ...
I think you might be looking for something like the "composite index of anthropometric failure" (CIAF) which uses W/H, H/A, and W/A to create a composite indicator. The index is quite simple to calculate:
(1) Do your survey (SMART, 30-by-30, &c.).
(2) Calculate and add W/H, H/A, and W/A indices (z-scores)
(3) Apply the usual case-definitions for each indicator (i.e. WHZ < -2, HAZ < -2, WAZ < -2) so you have three YES/NO variable indicating wasting, stunting, and underweight for each child.
(4) Apply grouping case-definitions:
(A) wasting = NO, stunting = NO, underweight = NO
(B) wasting = YES, stunting = NO, underweight = NO
(C) wasting = YES, stunting = NO, underweight = YES
(D) wasting = YES, stunting = YES, underweight = YES
(E) wasting = NO, stunting = YES underweight = YES
(F) wasting = NO, stunting = YES, underweight = NO
(Y) wasting = NO, stunting = NO, underweight = YES
(5) Count the number in each group.
(6) Calculate the CIAF as [(B + C + D + E + F + Y) / N] * 100 where "N" is the total number of children (i.e. A + B + C + D + E + F + Y). This simplifies to [(N - A) / N] * 100.
See [url]http://tinyurl.com/2unqmq7[/url] for a fuller discussion of the CIAF.
I think that the CIAF is an interesting attempt at a composite index. The use of W/H instead of MUAC is problematic as W/H is biased by body-shape. You could replace W/H with MUAC. This would make a better indicator. Also you'll need to be careful about what you do with oedema as this will upwardly bias both W/H and W/A. You could include oedema in your case-definition of wasting but (C), (D), (E), and (Y) will be biased downward. This might be a problem in setting where oedema is common (e.g. Malawi, DRC, &c.). You also have to be aware that the H/A and W/A indices can be very prone to error when age data is not accurate.
The key reference is "Svedberg P (2000), Poverty and Undernutrition: Theory, Measurement, and Policy. Oxford: OUP" which you can read online at: [url]http://tinyurl.com/38xywn5[/url]
More on the CIAF (i.e. examples of its use and some test cases) can be found at:
I hope this helps.
14 years agoThis is another interesting example of using CIAF, in this this case to explore the relationship between mortality risk and the presence of multiple anthropometric deficits.
9 years ago