Dear en-net, There are so many arguments on the merits of food aid-short and long term. This appears rather a new topic in the forum. May some one link me to a web or provide me with literature or a sample questionnare assessing the impact of food aid on agricultural productivity and labour supply. I have just developed a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of food aid on a post conflict community but it is rather difficult for me to 're-invent the wheel' especially given that some one must have developed a template before (both for Qualitative and Quantitative assessment). Thankyou, Samuel
Dear Samuel Your question proved a bit of a challenge for us. Our apologies for the delay in responding. Despite the extensive literature on the impact of food aid developed over the last 2-3 decades, I have not been able to locate a questionnaire that directly addresses your needs. However, I have put together the following list of references organized by publisher/institution. Some include questionnaires but I'm afraid these do not directly address your topic. Nevertheless, I hope that the range of factors having a bearing upon the impact of food aid will be of help to you in compiling your own questionnaire. If you have trouble with the links or would like to correspond further off-line please feel free to contact me directly on Good luck! John RHVP Nick Maunder (2006) "The impact of food aid on grain markets in southern Africa: implications for tackling chronic vulnerability A review of the evidence" Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme [url][/url] World Development Awudu Abdulai, Christopher Barrett, John Hoddinott (2005) "Does food aid really have disincentive effects? New evidence from sub-Saharan Africa" World Development Volume 33, Issue 10, October 2005, Pages 1689-1704 [url][/url] FAO Christopher Barrett (2006) "Food Aid's Intended and Unintended Consequences" ESA Working Paper No. 06-05 Rome: FAO [url][/url] Titus Awokuse (2006) "Assessing the Impact of Food Aid on Recipient Countries: A Survey" ESA Working Paper No. 06-11 Rome: FAO [url][/url] Baker Mukeere and Simon Dradri (2006) "Food Aid, Food Production and Food Markets in Lesotho: An Analytical Review" PDPE/ODJ Rome: FAO Future Agriculture Samuel Gebreselassie (2006) "Food Aid and Small-holder Agriculture in Ethiopia: Options and Scenarios" A paper for the Future Agricultures Consortium workshop, Institute of Development Studies, 20-22 March 2006 [url][/url] ODI Paul Harvey and Jeremy Lind (2005) "Dependency and humanitarian relief: A critical analysis" HPG Research Report 19 July. London: Overseas Development Institute [url][/url] Daniel Maxwell, Kate Sadler, Amanda Sim, Mercy Mutonyi, Rebecca Egan and Mackinnon Webster (2008) "Emergency Food Security Interventions" Good Practice Review 10, Humanitarian Practice Network London: ODI [url][/url] FANTA Frank Riely, Nancy Mock, Bruce Cogill, Laura Bailey, and Eric Kenefick (1999) "Food Security Indicators and Framework for Use in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Food Aid Programs" Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA), Washington DC. [url][/url] Jennifer Coates, Anne Swindale, Paula Bilinsky (2007) "Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) for Measurement of Food Access: Indicator Guide VERSION 3" FANTA, Washington DC. [url][/url] Journal of Humanitarian Affairs Jonathan Coulter, David Walker, Rick Hodges (2007) "Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid in Africa: Impact and Policy Issues" Journal of Humanitarian Affairs published by the Feinstein International Centre Medford [url][/url] The SEEP Network SEEP Network (2004) "Conflict and Post-Conflict Environments: Ten Short Lessons To Make Microfinance Work" Progress Note No.5 September 2004 Washington DC. SEEP. [url][/url] Tim Nourse, Tracy Gerstle, Alex Snelgrove, David Rinck, Mary McVay, (2004) "Market Development in Crisis-Affected Environments Emerging Lessons for Achieving Pro-Poor Economic Reconstruction" Washington DC. SEEP Network [url][/url]
John Borton
Technical Expert


14 years ago
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