The Nutrition Section, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Office is seeking an individual consultant for 11 months to provide technical support to strengthen the capacities of UNICEF nutrition programme staff in countries, counterparts and partners in emergency preparedness and response for nutrition in high risk and fragile settings. Work Assignment: Under the supervision of the Regional Nutrition Advisor and in collaboration with the Regional Emergency Advisor, the nutrition in emergencies consultant will focus on: I. Country Reviews a.Maintain and progress emergency profile mapping and current country practices for preparedness and response to emergencies related to nutrition, including analysis of: •Type, frequency and scale of disasters + nutrition impact in particular for children •Nutrition coordination structures at national level + UNICEF’s role/engagement • HR/local partners’ capacity for nutrition emergency preparedness and response (incl. government) •Nutrition information systems gaps and needs for surveillance and early warning •Funding situation for emergency nutrition preparedness and response. b.Review UNICEF Nutrition emergency preparedness and response -> the various stages of national + sub-national response process (e.g. initial HAP, development of SRP and project sheet, cluster coordination, PCA process, supply procurement and logistics, monitoring, etc.) c.Identify linkages between general nutrition programmes, nutrition surveillance and nutrition in emergencies interventions to analyse how all components contribute to resilience among high-risk populations. d.Compile information on regional examples of resilience in nutrition; develop case studies and advise/ promote opportunities for COs to integrate resilience-based approaches into their planning and implementation of their nutrition programs II. Regional strategy and planning framework/tools for NiE a.Finalize a NiE strategy that maps out support activities for COs falling into two general emergency profile categories: 1) high-risk, response-oriented and 2) low-medium risk, programming-oriented (i.e. integration of emergency-related elements into regular programming -> disaster risk reduction, resilience building, etc.) b.Progress and support COs to implement the NiE Preparedness Toolkit that can be used to assist setting appropriate targets, planning of activities, and preparation and organization of project cooperation agreements, funding proposals, supply forecasting, and development/coordination of implementation strategies including role as Nutrition Cluster lead (based on existing tools) III.Capacity building a.Review capacity building needs and activities and outline a regional /county-based capacity building plan b.Conduct capacity-building workshop(s) and other capacity building activities with target countries and at regional level, if appropriate c.Assess the status of capacity within the current UNICEF regional nutrition surge roster to address capacity requirements and gaps (IYCF, micronutrients, CMAM technical expertise, assessments, planning, cluster coordination) and support COs for mobilizing, coordinating and deploying technical support to respond to short-term surges in demand (including standby partners) IV. Country support a.Provide in-situ technical support on nutrition in emergencies (this will include travel to countries and remote support from Bangkok) b.Implement actions as identified with countries e.g. training events c.Assist with surge capacity for response in nutrition in emergencies as needed V. Fundraising a.Explore climate for NiE funding among donors and identify potential opportunities b.Develop concept notes/proposals and templates to support resource mobilization efforts at regional and country level VI. Management of acute malnutrition a.Provide strategic and technical support to COs on development and refinement of programming for severe acute malnutrition as requested, including guidelines, information systems, tools, organizing trainings etc. b.In close coordination with the supervisor and WFP, contribute to the development of regional and country-specific approaches to addressing children with moderate acute malnutrition and/or for the prevention of acute malnutrition among high risk populations VII. Knowledge management a.Share good practices, lessons learned, evaluations and ensure knowledge/information exchange in the area of NiE b.Conduct regular searches of literature, research, agency updates and any other relevant information and package to share on nutrition in emergencies and management of acute malnutrition VIII. Submit a final report summarizing support provided during the contract duration and recommendations for each country on the strategies that need to be pursued IX. Any additional tasks as agreed with contract supervisor Deliverables: a.Monthly activity reports b.Reports on findings and technical support provided in key countries on priority areas – as will be identified with countries (e.g. information, coordination, training events) c.Report on country reviews of status of EPR and resilience activities d.Outline on regional and country based strategies and plans to strengthen emergency preparedness and response e.Emergency Nutrition Response Planning Matrix, templates, checklists f.Capacity building plan, workshop/sessions g.Funding concept notes/proposals Estimated Duration of Contract: The consultancy is of an initial duration of 11 months (1 October 2015 – 31 August 2016). The contract has a possibility for extension based on performance and availability of funds. Travel: Office-based assignment with possible travel to countries as required. The consultant may be requested to travel at short notice for surge missions for emergency response if required. Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required: •Advanced university degree in public health or nutrition or related field •A minimum of 8 years of solid responsible professional experience in planning and implementing nutrition with a focus on humanitarian action and emergency programmes including Nutrition Cluster coordination •Experience in humanitarian settings, particularly in the EAPR region •Knowledge and experience in nutrition surveillance and early warning systems, the management of acute malnutrition and infant and young child feeding in emergencies are strong assets •Fluency in English (verbal and written). Knowledge of another UN language an asset •Strong writing and communication skills •Ability to travel throughout the Asia region •Availability for surge missions for emergency response if required at short notice Interested candidates are requested to submit CV or P-11, proposed monthly professional fee and all-inclusive travel cost to/from Bangkok in USD, full contact information of minimum 3 references and availability by 14 September 2015 to . Please note the air tickets under UNICEF contract shall be re-routable, refundable type (economy class and most direct route). The consultant will be responsible for own travel insurance, visa fee and terminal expenses. Only short listed candidates will be notified. ** Re-advertisement: previous candidates do not need to re-apply **
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