We are now developing a questionnaires for MCH and Nutrition survey and want to study the mothers (both pregnant and under 2) knowledge and practice on essential nutrition in he first 1,000 days period. According to our previous experiences, we have only apply iron tablet consumption (just they took or not in pregnancy and although we tried to recall # of iron tablet consumption! not got valid data on lactating mother) and deworming in children under 2. In his survey, when we plan to add more ENA practice question with recall, there has been an issues around recall period on question and data validity on some practice like deworming in pregnancy, vitamin A and B1 supplementation for mothers and vitamin A supplementation for children. So, if there is any documents, study and survey on ENA KAP , pls do kindly share to us and if you also have any thoughts and suggestion on question developments on that area, I am more than welcome to get your inputs. Thanks.
In South Sudan along with SMART survey; indicators related to IYCF and child health are captured the survey is termed as Integrated SMART survey. Questionnaire can be accessed by Nutrition Cluster website https://sites.google.com/site/nutritionclustersouthsudan/departments/department-a/documents one issue needs to be taken into consideration before adding other indicators with Anthropomorphic survey is sample size to achieve desired precision.
Rakesh RS


9 years ago
There are a few things to consider here ... (1) KAP questionnaires / surveys are often poor instruments with a tendency to reflect back program messages irrespective of behaviours. I think, more than any other survey type, KAP questionnaires need to be tested thoroughly. The issues you raise can only be addressed by careful design and testing. You need to "clear-eyed" about what can and cannot be collected well. (2) Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) covers a very broad set of program actions. You may want to limit your survey to program activities under your (or your clients) control. For example, you may not want to look at fortificant levels in flours. (3) As you allude to in your question ... there may not be a need to look at all interventions in detail. It is often sufficient to pick a few easily recognisable interventions and ask about them as it can be difficult for respondents to distinguish between many similar interventions (it is, e.g., common to bring samples of tables &c. with you when asking about micronutrient tablets to avoid this). You will probably only be able to collect contact coverage (e.g. did they take iron / folate (FeFol) in the previous pregnancy) rather then effective coverage (e.g. shown many FeFol tablets taken over what period). This is OK as long as you admit to what you do (i.e. in the FeFol example you would not claim that your were estimating effective coverage). This is not so bad as contact coverage is a key thing to know. (4) Sample size issues. Usually you will not need to estimate coverage with precision better than about +/- 10%. This needs an efective sample size of n = 96. Coverage is often patchy and cluster sample designs used. This means that your sample size needs to be twice that (i.e. n = 192) or larger. Interventions may or may not be universal. If (e.g.) you sample HHs with a child aged 0 - 24 months then you will have the full sample to estimate coverage of IYCF counselling activities but only about half the sample to estimate coverage of a program targeting children aged 12 - 24 months such as deworming. (4) Cost / feasibility &c. Mostly we will want to monitor levels to identify needs and measure progress towards goals. This requires ongoing frequent surveys. These are only feasible if surveys are quick, cheap, and simple to do. [url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/73741635/meSL.pdf]Here[/url] is a quick, cheap, and simple survey method that will do some of what you need and could be adapted to do all you need that is in current use in Sierra Leone. I hope this is of some help.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
Thanks Rakesh Ratna Shrivastava. I will check it on the website you mention. By the way, is there any sample question for Vit B 1, Vit A and Iron tablet consumption with detail recall on # of table consumed by mothers. best regards, Nick
Nicholus Tint Zaw


9 years ago


The Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance (GNC) Technical Alliance or Alliance) is an initiative for the mutual benefit of the nutrition community, and affected populations, to improve the quality of nutrition in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The GNC Technical Alliance Partners are made up of the GNC partners and other individuals, organizations, initiatives, and academia at global, regional, and national levels that hold nutrition technical expertise across the humanitarian and development spheres.

The Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) provides on-demand technical support for nutrition in emergencies both remotely and in-country.

The Mali Nutrition Cluster has requested the support of the TST to provide home-based remote/in-country support to strengthen the capacity of the cluster and its partners on Maternal and Infant Nutrition Advisor for Young Children in Emergency Situations (WAN-U).


Provide technical support to improve the quality and scale-up of the IYCF-E response in Mali through the development of an evidence-based and collaborative action plan and capacity-building initiatives to support key nutrition partners to implement the action plan. It is expected that the support will help to improve the understanding of the IYCF-E context, including risks and mitigating factors on gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in IYCF-E. The technical support will also strengthen the IYCF-E Technical Working Group to ensure ongoing effectiveness in the IYCF-E response.


A detailed ToR (Terms of Reference) is under development. It will likely include the following activities:

• Desk Review of existing IYCFE-E-resources, tools, and guidance, and development of a toolkit.

• Provide technical advice and support for the development of an IYCF-E toolkit.

• Assess IYCF-E capacity sharing and capacity building needs among partners and develop a plan to address them.

• Based on the findings from the IYCF-E capacity assessment, develop and deliver a three-day IYCF-E training.

• Develop a guidance note and sensitization session for harmonization with other sectors.

• Develop and lead a 2-hour orientation session for multi-sector partners on operational guidance and multi-sector guidance note.

• Develop an appropriate, evidence-based IYCF-E action plan ensuring input from all relevant stakeholders and inclusion of internally Displaced Persons (IDP) sites and North Mali.

• Support Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Technical Working Group (TWG) to evaluate, monitor and strengthen the quality of IYCF-E activities, including oversight of IYCF-E activities, workplace coaching, and accountability to affected populations.


TBC but likely around 10 weeks (4 weeks of remote work and 6 weeks of in-country work). Looking to start ASAP (Early March 2023).


Master’s degree in Economics, Social Science, Nutrition, Public Health, or a related field.

At least 8 years of work experience in nutrition and public health in emergencies.

Demonstrated experience in designing and leading Maternal and Infant Nutrition interventions for Young Children in Emergency Situations (WAN-U).

Demonstrated experience in capacity building, including conducting a learning needs assessment, capacity assessment, and capacity building strategies.


Experience in the development of innovative training tools.

Experience in organizing and facilitating knowledge exchange workshops.


Demonstrated understanding and commitment to humanitarian principles.

Strong skills in coordination and the ability to work effectively with a range of stakeholders, including nutrition clusters, partners, and the Ministry of Health.

Highly developed writing skills – both at a programmatic level (assessment reports, proposals) and at a policy level (policy papers, guidance notes).

Strong communications skills (both written and verbal) at a level appropriate for high-level external representation presentations).

Flexibility in ways of working

Ability to analyze diverse information and develop recommendations for an appropriate response to emergencies.

Ability to work in English to a high standard.


Working knowledge of French


- Experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating IYCF-e
- Experience in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) or region
- Ability to work in French.
- Daily rate

The consultant will work both home-based and in the country and might be required to apply for flexible working hours.

The consultant will be supervised by both the TST Coordination Unit (based at AAH Canada) and the in-country requester (Mali Nutrition Cluster).

Fixed-term deliverable-based contract.
Applications are open to individuals, teams of people, or organizations.


Proposals responding to this RFQ/RFP should include:

• Updated CV.

• Cover letter detailing experience in conducting similar work.

• Three references for which you have conducted similar work.

• Detailed rates per service. Please provide your quotations in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

• The AAH Good Business Regulations Form duly signed.

Please note: Consultants of the GNC Technical Alliance Consultant Roster can simply share their interests, an up-to-date CV, and daily rate, and will be prioritized for this work.

To apply for the roster, please visit: https://ta.nutritioncluster.net/node/33
Submit the proposal before SUNDAY, February 28, 2023, at 23:59 EST to: procurement@actionagainsthunger.ca

Please highlight “CONSULTANCY FOR IYCF-e FOR Mali” in the subject heading.

Nicholus Tint Zaw


9 years ago
Thank you for your kind comments. We are a community here at EN-NET and all of us contribute to supporting our field.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago

am also going to conduct ENA KAP survey in the community .but I don't have adaptable questionnaire to do this .please help me if you have any related document .



7 years ago
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