REQUEST FOR CURRICULUM VITAE’S FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS (IC) COUNTRY/ GRANTEE: Concern Worldwide in Zambia NAME OF PROJECT: Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement Project Position: Nutrition Coordinator based in Lusaka with extensive travel to Western Province, Zambia. Loan No. / Credit No. /TF No. / Grant No. TF081487 Request for CVs: IC/30/07/002 Concern is implementing the Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement Project (FYNEP) in collaboration with the World Bank with funding from the Japanese Social Development Fund. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to livelihood opportunities and nutrition among selected female youths in targeted project areas. The project has 4 main components; a life skills curriculum to increase control and knowledge around life choices and nutrition, a livelihoods component focussed on agricultural livelihoods related to improved nutrition, a health component to directly support pre-conception nutrition and nutrition outreach. The project is implemented in close coordination with government at the Provincial and District level and through a National level Steering Committee chaired by the Ministry of Community Development Mother Child Health (MCDMCH). This project will benefit an estimated 24,600 persons in Limulunga and Kaoma Districts, through different project activities and started on the 1st July 2015 with a three-year duration. Concern Worldwide Zambia now invites eligible Individual Consultants to submit their Curriculum Vitae (CVs) for the position of Nutrition Coordinator. The main objective of this consultancy is to provide technical leadership and develop the capacity of the project team, NGO partners and stakeholders on nutrition aspects of the project to effectively implement, manage and monitor the Zambia Female Youth Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement Project (FYNEP) project. This position has an explicit link to the policy and influencing dimension of the project and to Concern’s ongoing nutrition work in Zambia on the First 1000 Days, Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) and Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition ( Specific tasks • Lead and support effective implementation of the nutrition/ health component of the project. • Review and refine existing nutrition materials for adolescent girls which will be used to train Community Health Volunteers and peer leaders • Lead on the barrier analysis, develop action points from the analysis, and provide recommendations to the project staff to incorporate to the project. • Finalise baseline report. • Support nutrition and health coordination activities at district and national level to ensure optimal harmonization between agricultural and nutrition/ health activities • Ensure that, in collaboration with the PM&E Officer, key aspects of nutrition and health components are captured in the project monitoring. • Work with Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health (MCDMCH) to finalise guidance on the iron supplementation programme for adolescent girls and lead on implementation. • Finalise protocols for deworming and mosquito net distribution for the project. • Provide recommendations on making health facilities more adolescent friendly • Conduct regular field visits to the project location and provide regular technical back up to partner and Concern front line staff. • Take part in regular partners work review and provide technical support • Lead on HIV& AIDS awareness creation and mainstreaming for the project targets • Develop and maintain close relationships with district and national level nutrition forums and participate nutrition coordination meetings as necessary. • Support the establishment of a national steering committee. • To adhere to and support the implementation of the Concern Programme Participant Protection Policy • Engage with the SUN Fund, NFNC and relevant Ministries to strengthen policy and strategy related to adolescent girl’s nutrition and scaling up. • Regular engagement with RAIN project to ensure learning and experiences are exchanged between the two projects • Support dissemination of learning related to nutrition at National level. • Any other tasks aimed at improving the project requested by the line manager Expected outputs/deliverables • Evaluation design includes key nutrition and health aspects. • Baseline report finalised. • A barrier analysis conducted and the recommendations of which incorporated to the project implementation guide and operation plan. • BCC/ IEC materials on health and nutrition prepared and rolled out in both operational districts • The front line staff from Concern, partners and government have received regular technical support in relation to health and nutrition. • Secretariat support to the coordination and steering committees at National, Provincial and District levels. • Protocols and approaches to iron supplementation, deworming and malaria prevention in place and being implemented. • Regular field monitoring conducted and addresses any operational issues at the field level • Training for staff, partners and beneficiaries and other stakeholders conducted effectively • Monthly report prepared and shared in relation to health and nutrition Required qualifications and experience • Postgraduate qualification (MPH, MSc) in Nutrition • A minimum of 5 years’ experience as a technical staff in nutrition, particularly in an agriculture and nutrition project/programme • Proven experience in designing and implementing a behaviour change communication (BCC) package in nutrition. • Proven experience in conducting training on nutrition issues. • Good facilitation skills • Experience in conducting barrier analysis • Excellent interpersonal, communication and writing skills in English • Willing, able and interested to work as part of a team Timeframe This consultancy is with immediate start and will run for a minimum of 3 months with possible extension of up to 7 months. Application Applicants (either Individual Consultants or interested Individual Consultants who may be working for a Consultants Firm) should submit their CVs complete with copies of academic qualifications to the address below on or before 12th August 2015. Submission may be in hard or electronic copies. Submission of original copies and scrutiny of the same including verification from the issuing institutions will be a condition of engagement of the successful applicant. Concern Worldwide will only respond to candidates who are determined to have the above qualifications and only those who will be short-listed and invited for interviews. Concern Worldwide Zambia Attn: Dorah Chisambi – Director Systems 5466, Libala Road, Kalundu, P.O Box 36700, Lusaka, Zambia E-mail:
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