Hi there! I am wondering if an NGO/UN agency has developed a 'recipe' book using locally 'available' and preferred foods for complementary feeding of Syrian refugees in host communities and camps. Even better, a list of potential recipes with composition tables. the cost of food items will be covered under a grant. Any resources will be greatly appreciated!
IBFAN's Asia office has a delightful book of recipes for home prepared complementary foods, not specifically Syrian, nor specifically for refugees - but maybe it could still be helpful. Free to download here: http://ibfanasia.org/docs/Best-Feeding-CF-asia2014.pdf Our group in the Philippines - Arugaan - has done a lot of work on infant feeding in emergencies. I will ask whether they have recipes that can be adapted. First steps nutrition Trust in the UK - has done excellent work on guides for carers of young children. All the materials are free to download and very easy to follow http://www.firststepsnutrition.org/ http://www.firststepsnutrition.org/pdfs/Packed_lunches_Web_version_Mar_2015.pdf Patti Rundall
Patti Rundall, Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK


9 years ago
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