Terms of Reference Purpose To Design, Implement and Support Capacity Development of Nutrition Coverage Assessment using the SQUEAC Methodology Location Daynile, Dollow, Baydhabo and Dhusamareb Districts Assignment Type Individual Consultancy Duration 4 Months Start Date 26th July, 2015 Reporting To Health Coordinator Technical Support UNICEF Data Communication Officer (Nutrition) Working Closely with Director of Public Health Department, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Somali Federal Republic A. Background: Acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months is a direct outcome indicator of recent changes in nutritional status. In Somalia, high malnutrition rates has remained to be a huge public health problem, negatively affectively growth, development and survival of the population. In the past few years, the typical country-wide median prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in Somalia has been significantly higher than the international emergency threshold of 15%.Data from 2001-2009 shows that median GAM rates have remained at Serious (10 to <15%) or Critical (15 to <20%) levels (WHO Classification 2000), with a national median rate of 16% (240,000 children under five). The 2014/2015 Post-Deyr Report highlights the continuation of a very critical nutritional status particularly in the South Central Zone, where GAM Rate was estimated at 14.4% (classified as serious according to the WHO Classification) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Rate estimated at 3.2%. Further, the summary of Gu 2015 Nutrition Assessment among 13 IDP settlements across Somalia shows deterioration in nutrition situation particularly in Kismayo and Dhobley in South Central (SC) region. Critical levels of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM rate =15 %) were observed among 5 out of 13 IDP settlements surveyed during Gu 2015 assessmentand serious GAM levels (=10 and < 15 %) were recorded among IDPs in Mogadishu, Kismayo and Dhusamareb, South Central region(FSNAU June 2015). The poor nutrition situation in the country is mainly contributed by a number of factors which includes poor infant and feeding and micro-nutrient practices, high morbidity, chronic factors such as insecurity and poverty. Due to this diversity of factors contributing to Somalia’s very poor nutrition situation, a sustained treatment, promotion and prevention programme as defined in the Basic Nutrition Services Package (BNSP) continues to be promoted in Somalia, through the leadership of the Ministry of Health (MoH), United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other Implementing Partners (IPs). One of the components of BNSP is the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) Program which focuses on the treatment of Severe Acute Malnourished (SAM) Children through the Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP) Centers and Stabilization Centres (SC) for the Complicated SAM Cases. Physicians across Continents (PAC) is one of the IPs that has been implementing an integrated program in Daynile District, Banadir Region since 2011 with support from UNICEF with an objective of treating the acute malnutrition and improving the infant and young children feeding practices in the area. In order to determine what the barriers to access and the subsequent limitations on OTP/SC programme coverage are, PAC with support from UNICEF and MoH will embark on a process of conducting coverage assessment in four districts namely, Daynile, Dollow, Baydhabo and Dhusamareb. The assessments will seek to collate in-depth coverage information, and in so doing build the capacity of nutrition partners in coverage methodologies, and advocate for programme reform, in order to increase the numbers of children receiving care. B. PURPOSE OF THE COVERAGE ASSESSMENT The purpose of the assessment is to improve the performance of SAM treatment services in survey areas, through the provision of in-depth information on coverage, identification of barriers/boosters to access, and definition of recommendations for durably scaling up nutrition service delivery. C. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE COVERAGE ASSESSMENT • To map out: a. Point coverage of the target areas. b. Period coverage of the target areas. • Identify factors affecting (Barriers and Boosters) the uptake of the OTP services in Daynile, Dollow, Baydhabo and Dhusamareb districts. • To identify and refer severely malnourished children not covered by the program • Develop in collaboration with PAC, UNICEF and MoH, specific recommendations to improve acceptance and coverage of the program. • Enhance competences of PAC technical staff in SQUEAC methodology. D. EXPECTED DELIVERABLES Design and implementation of nutrition coverage surveys in regions and districts implementing EPHS. • Develop work plan, survey methodology, and data collection tools; including software, identification of survey sites, sampling in consultation with PAC • Facilitate the training of the survey enumerators and supervisors (survey teams), and ensure that the survey teams clearly understands the procedures and processes of collecting both qualitative and quantitative data in a dynamic manner • Facilitate supervision of data collection teams and ensure implementation of quality control measures during data collection, supporting data entry and analysis (both qualitative and quantitative data) at field level • Prepare PowerPoint presentation and present the results to various stakeholders including the Assessment and Information Management Working Group in Nairobi for validation (this should include the methodology, results and recommendations) • Facilitate debriefings on preliminary and final survey findings for all relevant stakeholders, including MoH and IPs, and ensure provision of appropriate feedback and guidance to the technical teams and decision makers. • Make recommendations and action points based on the findings of the assessment • Prepare draft and final report about the coverage and access of OTP and SC in Daynile District, Dollow, Baydhabo, and Dhusamareb E. TECHNICAL FOCAL POINTS The consultant will be reporting directly to the PAC Health Coordinator. However, s(h)e will be required to work closely with the UNICEF Data Communication Officer (Nutrition) and the Director of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Human Services F. REQUIRED SKILLS 1. Advance degree in Nutrition /Public Health/Epidemiology/Statistics 2. At least 4 years field experience in nutrition surveys including SMART Surveys, SQUEAC/SLEAC Surveys. Experience is SQUEAC Assessment is a MUST 3. Have an experience in conducting surveys in Somalia 4. Proven ability to organize and supervise a survey team in across cultural setting 5. Excellent report writing and communication skills in both Somalia and English. 6. Good facilitation skills and NGOs operations. 7. Familiarity in the context of operation 8. Ability to work in cultural and religious sensitive areas 9. Preference will be given to Somali Speaking Candidates G. CONDITION OF WORK The consultant will be required to train survey teams and supervise data collection in all the Survey Areas with the support of PAC. In order to ensure high quality of data, the consultant will be required to roam across the survey area offering technical guidance to the teams in the entire data collection process. PAC will support and facilitate the consultants travel to and from Mogadishu. PAC will also provide also administrative, logistics, and security related issues of the consultancy. The consultant will also conduct SQUEAC survey in following districts Dollow, Baydhabo, and Dhusamareeb with fully responsibility of financial support/oversight supervision role of target NGOs H. PAYMENTS SCHEDULE The consultant will be paid 100% upon submission of each final report per district I. APPLICATION If you are interested in this exiting but challenging opportunity, kindly send your application which should include the following i. CV (at most 3 pages) – Clearly highlight all the SQUEAC Assessments you have conducted, the location where it was conducted, the year and month it was conducted and the agency which implemented the assessment ii. Cover Letter (brief and precise), iii. A short proposal on how you will implement to 4 coverage assessment (at most 4 pages). Kindly include reasonable timelines for implementing each Phase/Stage of SQUEAC Assessment as part of the 4 page proposal iv. Your expected consultancy fee quoted in USD Submit the above as a folder to realsalaad@gmail.com and copy sabirsom@gmail.com by COB 12th July, 2015. Clearly indicate in the subject line “Application for a Consultant - SQUEAC”
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