We are starting a pilot project that aims at stimulating market function in pastoral areas and the main outcomes expected are: increased incomes for producers and traders; improved diet quality for food aid beneficiaries; increase in quantity and quality of local food products; reduced seasonal variations in cost and availability of local food products and evidence generated through action research. The main intervention involves distributing food aid rations through local markets via a voucher system and substitution of part of the food rations with locally produced food products. the project targets a total of 10,000 households in two districts as follows: District Food aid beneficiaries Traditional food basket Substituted food basket A 4,850 hh 150 hh B 2,000 hh 2,000 hh Total 6,850 hh 2,150 hh A) What considerations should we take into account in determining nutritional outcomes of the project and B) How do we determine the sample size to monitor and evaluate the nutritional outcomes food production benefiting local producers, traders and consumers
Have a look at the link below of the similar programme and guideline: http://www.odihpn.org/report.asp?id=2840 http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/humanitarian_assistance/ffp/map_field_manual.pdf
Rogers Wanyama


14 years ago
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