CONSULTANT NEEDED FOR NUTRITION ASSESSMENT IN SIERRA LEONE - 45 days beginning in July 2015 - OVERALL OBJECTIVE of the nutrition assessment is to determine and evaluate the current nutrition status of children 6-59 months and Women of reproductive age (15-49 years of age) and the retrospective mortality rate in the population at chiefdom level in World Vision’s operational districts. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Assessment of - Anthropometric data on Acute and Chronic Malnutrition and Undernutrition in children 6-59 months of age - Maternal Nutrition status (Women of Reproductive age, 15-49 years of age) - Coverage and access to key primary health care services for child survival - Retrospective morbidity rate (children under 5) - Retrospective mortality (CMR & U5MR) and verbal autopsy - IYCF practices - Mayor contextual factors contributing to malnutrition -> To establish recommendations on actions to be taken to address the situation for planning, advocacy, decision making and monitoring the evolution of the nutrition situation and programming in World Vision operational areas in Sierra Leone TASKS - Planning and preparations for nutrition survey: Engaging with MOHS, UNICEF and other critical National partners is key in seeing a successful and useful assessment - Implementation of nutrition survey - Data processing and analysis - Reporting and dissemination of results DELIVERABLES The following are expected deliverables during the consultancy period: - A survey protocol, with work schedule indicating survey instruments adapted to the local context - A training report with results indicating standardization results. - Preliminary report is prepared to share the survey results and findings with Nutrition Directorate Ministry of Health and Sanitation, World Vision and District Health Management Team members - Final report with 4 copies of materials and raw data in CD-ROM. PROFILE OF CONSULTANT - Masters Level University training in public health, nutrition or other relevant field of study - Significant experience in conducting nutrition surveys with SMART methodology - Demonstrated skills in survey or evaluation report writing - In-depth understanding of malnutrition from nutrition/public health point of view - Demonstrated skills with statistics analysis software (EPI-Info, SPSS, SAS, STATA or others) - Fluent in English DURATION OF CONSULTANCY The duration of consultancy will be for 45 days beginning July 2015. WORKING PLACE AND TRAVEL Sierra Leone as working location is required. Field travels required. APPLICATION PROCESS Interested candidates should submit their letter of interest with a short description of methodology to undertake this assignment and proposed budget to Allieu Bangura, WV Health Advisor Sierra Leone ( and Judith Haase, WV West Africa Regional Nutrition Advisor ( as soon as possible.
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