This is an area to exchange information on training initatives that fit with the objectives of the NIETN [url][/url] If you have resources that you wish to share, you can upload them to the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) facility [url][/url], developed to support the harmonised training package update underway.
Thanks for the update


14 years ago
The new website of the Nutrition in Emergencies Regional Training Initiative is now on-line at: [url=][/url]. The initiative is an OFDA funded ENN project implemented by the UCL Centre for International Health and Development in collaboration with academic institutions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Andy Seal
Technical Expert


14 years ago
Thank for this useful tool. This will be very important to ensure the quality of nutrition interventions either in emergencies or within the regular health care services.
Sonia Khan


14 years ago
yes as long have experiencin on this programme ican be doing the best for the better life the community as all.
stephen mamuon maker


11 years ago
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