I normally use ENA 2011 and EPI, which software can I use to analyse z-scores, BMI data for children of school going age 8- 19 years?
Hi James, I am assuming that you are asking what software can you use to calculate the BMI-for-age z-score values for children aged 8-19 years. If the above is correct, you could just use excel together with the lmsgrowth add-in developed by Professor Tim Cole and co-workers (http://www.healthforallchildren.com/shop-base/software/lmsgrowth/) here at the UCL Institue for Child Health. Once you have the z-score values calculated, you can plug your data back to Epi-Info (without ENA) and analyse your data as you normally do. Let me know if you need more details, but the zip file of the above link comes with very detailed instructions of how to set it up and how to calculate the z-scores using the 2007 WHO Growth references for children aged 5-19y Alternatives are to use Stata ado files developed by WHO, or in the same programme to use the zanthro command. WHO has a programme called AnthroPlus, that you can also use to calculate the z-score values (http://www.who.int/growthref/tools/en/) One last resort, when everything that will calculate it for you fails, is to do it "by hand" in excel. You can find the formulas online and the LMS values needed at the WHO Child Growth Standards website (www.who.int/childgrowth/en/)
Carlos Grijalva-Eternod


9 years ago
Dear James, Try this link: http://www.who.int/growthref/tools/who_anthroplus_manual.pdf It should help.
Blessing Mureverwi


9 years ago
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