Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has any experience/thoughts on how to evaluate a Food for education program before its final wrap up from the country where it has been running for the past 4-5 years. Thank you!
Hi, We've done something similar in Lebanon using a more qualitative approach. So, conducted focus group meetings with key stakeholders and interviews with school staff and students. We had an external evaluator conduct the evaluation and the aim was to look at impact, effectiveness and sustainability. The other thing was to look at impact indicators including performance, attendance and enrollment, which is more quantitative. You can add some indicators on short-term hunger and nutrition. Thanks, Linda


9 years ago
Did you collect any baseline data at the start of the programme? Is it linked with a health or nutrition programme that may have collected data? WHO has released their interventionist research toolkit with training and guidelines on field research using mixed methods. You could use a simply survey, or Focus Group discussions, key informant interviews and participatory learning in action tools (PLA tools) such as doing a community trend analysis tracking indicators like school attendance and performance, lost school days through illness reduction, reduction in SAM and MAM (as these are both linked to poor cognitive performance) if local clinics have data on this or you have done MUAC measurements. Teachers can be asked above any changes noted following the programme in relation to attendance and performance. Another tool is to use the most significant change approach with participants in the programme or teachers (getting them to identify the most significant change in their lives as a result of being part of the programme)
Regina Keith


9 years ago
Thank you very much for your inputs, it has been very helpful. Do you have a link to the WHO toolkit? I tried to look it up but wasn't successful. Sincerely, Payal


9 years ago
Is this the toolkit referred to? [url]http://www.who.int/tdr/publications/year/2014/9789241506960_workbook_eng.pdf[/url] Best wishes, Tamsin
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


9 years ago
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