3 positions are opened (one team leader and two technical experts) to run the Global Support Facility (GSF) for the National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN). These positions are open for four years, starting on the 1st of July 2015 and based in Montpellier, France at Agropolis International headquarters. Applications (CV + application letter) should be sent to [url=mailto:gsf_nipn@agropolis.fr]gsf_nipn@agropolis.fr[/url] by the 27th of April. Background information The European Commission will support the establishment of National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPNs) in ten or so developing countries in Africa and Asia, having expressed interest in embarking in such a programme. The NIPN initiative is conceived as an approach to assist countries to strengthen their capacity to make use of existing national nutrition information to its full potential, geared to each individual country’s needs and capacities. The NIPN approach is fundamentally about strengthening countries’ capacities to manage, analyse, interpret and use information for the decisions the countries need to make (informed policies, programmes and resource allocations) towards effective nutrition actions. This information concerns the monitoring of changes in undernutrition indicators as well as information concerning nutrition-relevant country investments/projects and the association between the two. The Global Support Facility (GSF) will thus be the technical assistance component to support, at country level, the design, establishment and coordination of the NIPNs. The GSF Core Team will be based in Montpellier and will be composed of 3 experts: one team leader and two technical experts, with full administrative assistance and office facilities from the organization hosting the project, Agropolis International in Montpellier. Global missions of the GSF Core Team • Support the design and implementation of NIPN in selected countries. • Provide technical assistance to EU delegations and partner institutions relevant for establishing NIPNs. • Ensure effective coordination, information-sharing, communication and advocacy of the global NIPN approach, ensuring coherence with related initiatives (SUN, GNR, etc.). Required skills and abilities GSF Core Team staff will demonstrate skills and experience relevant, but not limited, to nutrition data collection, management, analysis, presentation and utilisation, as well as understanding of the current status of nutrition relevant data needs and gaps at global and country level. Knowledge of other nutrition-sensitive sectors would be an asset. See the full position profiles here: [url]http://www.agropolis.fr/pdf/emploi/2015-fiche-poste-agrinatura.pdf[/url]
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