We are looking for: A NUTRITION TRAINING EXPERT Context: In Afghanistan, based in Kabul (with regular trip in the field) Length of contract: 8 months, starting the 15th of May 2015 The position: Under the supervision of the Nutrition and Health Coordinator, you will be responsible to implement UNICEF National Nutrition Training Program in partnership with OHPM (national NGO) in 10 provinces of Afghanistan. More specially, you will be in charge to: • Recruit and orientate the team of Master Trainers and Trainers, in partnership with OHPM - Develop Job Descriptions for Master Trainers and Trainers, in partnership with OHPM - Realize the recruitment process (written test and interview) for all positions opened - Provide orientation to newly recruited staff on ACF and Nutrition - Ensure active participation of newly recruited staff to ToT training provided by UNICEF/PND in Kabul • Plan the implementation of trainings in targeted districts in partnership with OHPM - Develop the training materials for the project, based on PND Standard Operating Procedures for Nutrition, and in partnership with OHPM and PND - Plan trainings in the 10 targeted provinces with the support of the logistician/administrator assigned to the project and share the plan with UNICEF/PND /Nutrition Cluster - Follow up on the implementation of training plan with the logistician/administrator and revise it upon needs, in close collaboration with OHPM - Design and establish the hotline for technical support to health facility staff in collaboration with the logistician/administrator • Manage and supervise the project, including provision of on the job support - Directly manage and supervise the regional Master Trainers and conduct regular field visits to monitor progress and provide support - Upon needs and request, organize refresher training for Master Trainers and/or Trainers in partnership with OHPM - In close collaboration with the logistician/administrator and finance department, follow up on budget and produce monthly forecasts • Monitor and report about the project - Produce monthly APRs within established deadlines and following ACF standard format, based on the LFA indicators - Prepare regular updates on progress, achievements and lessons learnt to be shared through the Nutrition Cluster by the Health and Nutrition Coordinatot - Depending on donor requirements, and following donor guidelines, write interim and final report for the project and submit to Nutrition Coordinator for validation - At the end of the project, produce capitalisation report on the challenges faced, lessons learnt, best practices, and provide recommendations for future similar programming The applicant: You hold a post-graduate degree in public health and/or nutrition, with extensive professional experience in the field in management health and nutrition projects, including treatment of SAM and IYCF. Successful applicants will demonstrate proven experience in partnership and working with local authorities. You hold a significant experience in conducting trainings on nutrition. A first experience in capacity building will be an asset. You are also recognized for your strong organization skills and priority management capacities. You have good communication skills. Ability to work in complicated security environment and to deliver under tight deadlines is compulsory. Fluent English required. Status: Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 depending on relevant experience Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective or individual accommodation, medical insurance 25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year Pre departure training, at the HQ in Paris (1 to 2 weeks) To apply, please visit our website : [url]http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/content/nutrition-training-expert[/url] Follow our job offers and join us on Facebook: [url]https://www.facebook.com/groups/acf.jobs/[/url]
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