We are looking for A NUTRITION SURVEILLANCE EXPERT Context: Sierra Leone, based in Kambia and Moyamba Taking into account its experience in and its presence in the communities, ACF play a role in the following fields: sensitization of the communities, contact tracking and provision of appropriate hygiene measures, food aid and mental health and care practices. If you want to know more about Ebola Emergency Response of ACF, visit our blog: [url]http://blog.actioncontrelafaim.org/ebola[/url] Length of Contract: 5 months, starting until the 01st of April 2015 The position: Under the supervision of the Field Coordinator, you will be in charge to contribute towards strengthening, developing and monitoring of EVD/Disease surveillance related interventions in partnership with governmental and non-governmental agencies. More specially, you will be in charge to: - Ensure the implementation of Ebola surveillance project • Consolidate the 3 months workplan for surveillance in Moyamba district with the District Health Management Team (DHMT) • Plan and organize a refresher training on case investigation, data management and contact tracing supervision • Consolidate the community based surveillance strategy and workplan • Organize meetings and trainings at community level for community based surveillance • Organize surveillance reviews meetings with the DHMT and partners involved in surveillance • Assess the needs in terms of supplies and equipment for surveillance and prepare the purchase requests • Organize the payment of incentives for call operators, burial teams, case investigators and ambulance nurses supported by ACF - Contribute to monitoring, evaluation, reporting and capitalization of the project • Conduct regular field visits supervision and cross district visits • Organize regular meeting of the program team to monitor the progress of activities • Identify training needs for the project team and conduct training accordingly • Ensure the reporting • Ensure budget follow-up • Produce epidemiological analysis report • Capitalize program related data and documentation of the innovations achieved - Represent ACF and its positionning in meetings and activities related to Ebola surveillance • Partcipate in the daily surveillance meetings with the DHMT and the DERC (District Ebola Response Committee) briefings • Meet and coordinate with partners involved in the Ebola Response • Define with UNFPA and DHMT roles and responsabilities of each partner regarding contact tracing activities • Raise issues and concerns reported from the teams in the field at national level - Manage, supervise and train the team • Organize the recruitment of the team (surveillance monitors) • Identify training needs for the project team and conduct training accordingly • Design and monitor action plans for the team - Contribute to the identification of needs and formulation of new projects • Collect and analyze relevant data on health and nutrition situation • Participate in the needs identification and provide technical inputs for activities to be implemented The applicant: You hold a post-graduate degree in public health and/or nutrition and/or epidemiologist, with extensive professional experience in the field in health and nutrition surveillance system. Successful applicants will demonstrate proven experience in partnership and workshop facilitation. You are also recognized for your strong monitoring and analytical skills. You have good communication skills. Command of SMART, SPSS and data analysis software is highly recommended. A first experience in ACF will be an asset. A previous experience in Western Africa will be a plus. Fluent English required. Status: Employee Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 depending on relevant experience Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective or individual accommodation, medical insurance 25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year Pre departure training, at the HQ in Paris (1 to 2 weeks) Motivating Job Prospects in the medium and long term To apply, please visit : [url]http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/content/nutrition-surveillance-expert-1[/url]
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